VariCAD keyboard shortcuts

Learning these shortcuts can save you a lot of time in the long run. Are you searching for the VariCAD Keyboard Shortcuts?

If you’re interested in VariCAD Keyboard Shortcuts this is the right place for you. There are many keyboard shortcuts that can save you time and energy when you are working on VariCAD.

CPLDraw Polyline
PLLJoin Objects into Polyline
TANTangent Line
MLLMulti Line
LAXLinear Axes
CAXCircle Axis
BORSheet Border


Circles and Arcs

CCRCircle Center Radius
ACRArc Center Radius
CCPCircle Center Point
ACPArc Center Point
CR2Circle 2 Points
AR2Arc 2 Points
C3PCircle 3 Points
A3PArc 3 Points
APTArc Point Tangent
AT2Arc Tangent to 2 Objects
CT2Circle Tangent to 2 Objects
TG3Circle Tangent to 3 Objects
HOL2Group of Holes


Creating 2D Text

NOTENote (Multiple Lines)
TEXSingle Text Line
TXIInsert Text File


Creating Points

POCPoints on Arc
PLNPoints on Line, Number
PLDPoints on Line, Distance
PFFPoints from File



HATHatch, Select Boundary
AHBHatch, Detect Boundaries Automatically
CHHChange Hatch Area or Style
CHHPChange Hatch Style
CHPCreate Pattern



HDIHorizontal Dimension
VDIVertical Dimension
SDIDiagonal Dimension
RDIRadius Dimension
DDIDiameter Dimension
ADIAngular Dimension
HPDHorizontal Baseline Dimensions
HSDHorizontal Serial Dimensions
HDDHorizontal Datum Dimensions
VPDVertical Baseline Dimensions
VSDVertical Serial Dimensions
VDDVertical Datum Dimensions
SPDDiagonal Baseline Dimensions
SSDDiagonal Serial Dimensions
SDDDiagonal Datum Dimensions
HDMHorizontal Diameter Dimension
VDMVertical Diameter Dimension
SDMDiagonal Diameter Dimension
HTHHorizontal Thread Dimension
VTHVertical Thread Dimension
STHDiagonal Thread Dimension
THRThread Dimensions
STXASingle Text Arrow
MTXAMultiple Text Arrow
FSYFinish Symbols
WSYWelding Symbols
TSYTolerance Symbols
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2D Drawing Tools

DCCDisplayed Cursor Coordinates
ORTDrawing in Ortho Mode
ORTCOrtho, if Close to Vertical/Horizontal
ORTHOrtho, Next Horizontal
ORTVOrtho, Next Vertical
OMOTurn off Ortho Mode
ORTSOrtho, Set Close Angle
STPDrawing in Increment Mode
STOIncrement Mode Off
STSSet Increments of Cursor Movement


Editing 2D Objects

DOBDelete 2D Objects
ROLRemove Previous View Export
BLABlank 2D Objects
UBLUnblank 2D Objects
ETXEdit Text
MTLMove Text Vertically
TWDText Width
TACChange Text Style
EDMEdit Dimension
EDIEdit Dimension Text
MDTMove Dimension Text
EDSChange Dimension Style
BLNBreak Line
MLAChange Layer
MPEChange Color
MLTChange Line Type
BPODivide by Point
BBODivide by Curve
CHLLChange Line Lenght
CHARChange Arc Radius
CECCircle from Arc
RSGRemove Segment
CHMChamfer 2D Corner
RNDFillet 2D Corner
JTXAlign Text
ESPEdit Spline
BTFExplode Font


Hot Keys

Ctrl+AAdd Solid
Ctrl+CSelect Objects to Clipboard
Ctrl+EBill of Material
Ctrl+KInsert Block
Ctrl+TTranslate or Copy 2D Objects
Ctrl+VObjects from Clipboard
Ctrl+WCut Solid
Ctrl+X2D View from 3D
F1Context-Sensitive Help
F7Set 2D Cursor
F9Drawing in Increment Mode
F11Drawing in Ortho Mode
Shift+F11Turn off Ortho Mode
Ctrl+F13D Groups Management
Ctrl+F23D Sections Management
Ctrl+TabActivate Previous Window
Alt+2Switch to 2D
Alt+3Switch to 3D
Ctrl+BBlank Objects
Ctrl+DDelete Objects
Ctrl+FFillet Edge/Corner
Ctrl+RChamfer Edge/Corner
Ctrl+UUnblank Objects
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Embedded Functions

RS1Restore View 1
RS2Restore View 2
RS3Restore View 3
RS4Restore View 4
RS5Restore View 5
RS6Restore View 6
RS7Restore View 7
RS8Restore View 8
ZSVSave View
ZALLZoom All
ZWIZoom Window
ZFOZoom Drawing Format
ZPRUndo View
ZRDRedo View
VLELeft View
VRIRight View
VFRFront View
VBABack View
VTOTop View
VBOBottom View
X90Rotate View X 90 Deg
X180Rotate View X 180 Deg
X270Rotate View X 270 Deg
Y90Rotate View Y 90 Deg
Y180Rotate View Y 180 Deg
Y270Rotate View Y 270 Deg
RNPView Perpendicular to Plane
PRVPredefined View
VCNAuto View Rotation Center
VCNIDefine View Rotation Center
SHWShade/Wireframe Entire Display
ODT33D Object Information
SONOld/New View Export, Updated 2D
STP2D Drawing in Increment Mode
ORT2D Drawing in Ortho Mode
ORTHOrtho Alternating Horizontal/Vertical
ORTVOrtho Alternating Vertical/Horizontal
OMOTurn off Ortho Mode
GRI2D Grid
UCO2D User Origin
STAT3D Space Information
3DD3D Distance
3DCO3D Coordinates
DPPDistance Point Plane
DPCDistance Point Cylinder
APLAngle between Planes
SCYCylinder Dimensions
HFUContext-Sensitive Help

Using This VariCAD Keyboard Shortcuts can help you be more productive.

So next time you’re sitting at your computer, take a few minutes to learn some of these essential keyboard shortcuts – your future self will thank you!

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