Xamarin Studio keyboard shortcuts

Learning these shortcuts can save you a lot of time in the long run. Are you searching for the Xamarin Studio Keyboard Shortcuts?

If you’re interested in Xamarin Studio Keyboard Shortcuts this is the right place for you. There are many keyboard shortcuts that can save you time and energy when you are working on Xamarin Studio.

F12Go to Declaration
Shift+F12Find References
Alt+Shift+PgDnNext Error
Alt+PgDnNext Issue in File
Alt+Shift+PgUpPrevious Error
Alt+PgUpPrevious Issue in File


File Menu

Ctrl+NNew File
Ctrl+WClose File
Ctrl+Shift+WClose All
Ctrl+Shift+PPrint Preview
Ctrl+OOpen File or Solution
Ctrl+Shift+SSave All
Ctrl+Shift+NNew Solution


Edit Menu

Ctrl+Alt+CToggle Line Comments
Ctrl+Alt+HomeUnindent Selection
Ctrl+Alt+EndIndent Selection
Ctrl+Shift+JJoin Lines
Ctrl+ASelect All
Ctrl+Shift+AToggle All Folds
Ctrl+Shift+MToggle Fold


Debug Menu

Ctrl+F9Enable/Disable Breakpoint
Shift+F9Expression Evaluator
Ctrl+BreakPause Execution
Ctrl+F10Run to Cursor
Ctrl+Shift+F10Set Next Statement
Alt+Show Current Execution Line
F11Step Into
Shift+F11Step Out
F10Step Over
F9Toggle Breakpoint




Ctrl+Shift+FFind in Files
Ctrl+GFind Next
Ctrl+F3Find Next Selection
Ctrl+Shift+GFind Previous
Alt+Shift+OGo to File
Ctrl+IGo to Line
Ctrl+Shift+TGo to Type
Ctrl+,Navigate to
Ctrl+Shift+HReplace in Files


Text Editor

Ctrl+KDelete to End of Line
Ctrl+Shift+ReturnCompletes Current Statement
Alt+/Dynamic Abbreviation
Alt+Shift+Up ArrowExpand Selection
Ctrl+IFind Caret
Ctrl+BGo to Matching Brace
Alt+Down ArrowMove Line or Selection Down
Alt+Up ArrowMove Line or Selection Up
Ctrl+Shift+Down ArrowMove to Next Usage
Ctrl+Shift+Up ArrowMove to Previous Usage
Ctrl+Down ArrowScroll Line Down
Ctrl+Up ArrowScroll Line Up
Ctrl+SpacebarShow Completion Window
Alt+Shift+Down ArrowShrink Selection
Ctrl+Shift+SpacebarShow Parameter List

Using This Xamarin Studio Keyboard Shortcuts can help you be more productive.Keyboard Shortcuts

So next time you’re sitting at your computer, take a few minutes to learn some of these essential keyboard shortcuts – your future self will thank you!

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