Atom Keyboard Shortcuts

Are you finding the shortcuts for Atom (text editor) Keyboard? Atom (text editor) provides shortcuts to help you quickly work on documents. Here is the list of all shortcuts that you can use in Atom. This post will help you to check and make your Atom (text editor)  work faster with Most Used.

General Atom Keyboard Shortcuts

Keyboard Shortcuts (Windows)Menu Description
Ctrl+Shift+pToggle command palette
Ctrl+bBrowse list of open files
Ctrl+Alt+rReload Atom
Ctrl+Shift+lChange synatx highlighting
Alt+Shift+sShow available code snippets
Ctrl+Shift+mMarkdown preview
Ctrl+Alt+iToggle Developer Tools

File Management Atom Keyboard Shortcuts

Keyboard Shortcuts (Windows)Menu Description
Ctrl+nNew file
Ctrl+Shift+nNew Window
Ctrl+pOpen file (type the name to perform a search)
Ctrl+oOpen file
Ctrl+Shift+oOpen folder
Ctrl+Shift+sSave as
Ctrl+wClose tab
Ctrl+Shift+wClose window

Editing Lines Atom Keyboard Shortcuts

Keyboard Shortcuts (Windows)Menu Description
Ctrl+gGo to line
Ctrl+lSelect line
Ctrl+Shift+dDuplicate line
Ctrl+Shift+kDelete line
Ctrl+Arrow Up/Arrow DownMove line up/down
Ctrl+/Toggle comment line
Ctrl+EnterNew line below
Ctrl+Shift+EnterNew line above
Ctrl+[/]Indent / outdent selected lines
Ctrl+jJoin lines

Editing Words and Brackets Atom Keyboard Shortcuts

Keyboard Shortcuts (Windows)Menu Description
Alt+b / fMove to beginning / end of current word
Alt+Shift+b / fSelect to beginning / end of current word
Ctrl+Backspace OR Alt+hDelete to beginning of current word
Ctrl+Delete OR Alt+dDelete to end of current word
Ctrl+Alt+.Complete bracket
Ctrl+mGo to matching bracket
Ctrl+Alt+mSelect code inside matching brackets

Code Folding Atom Keyboard Shortcuts

Keyboard Shortcuts (Windows)Menu Description
Ctrl+k, then Ctrl+1 … 9Fold all code at indent level 1 … 9
Ctrl+Alt+/Fold / unfold code
Ctrl+Alt+fFold selected code
Ctrl+Alt+[/]Fold / unfold all code

Find and Replace Atom Keyboard Shortcuts

Keyboard Shortcuts (Windows)Menu Description
Ctrl+fFind in current file
Ctrl+Shift+fFind in project
F3Find next
Shift+F3Find previous
Ctrl+EnterReplace all
Ctrl+Alt+/Use Regex in search
Ctrl+Alt+cMatch case in search
Ctrl+Alt+sSearch only in selection
Ctrl+Alt+wMatch whole word

View Atom Keyboard Shortcuts

Keyboard Shortcuts (Windows)Menu Description
Ctrl+Shift+=/-Increase / decrease text size
Ctrl+0 (zero)Reset text size
F11Toggle fullscreen

Tree View Atom Keyboard Shortcuts

Keyboard Shortcuts (Windows)Menu Description
Ctrl+0 (zero)Toggle focus Tree View
Ctrl+k, then bToggle tree view
j/kSelect next/previous item
h/l OR Arrow Right/Arrow LeftExpand / collapse selected directory
Alt+ Arrow Left/Arrow Right OR Ctrl+Alt+[/]Recursively expand / collapse directories
EnterOpen selected item
m OR F2Move selected item
Backspace OR DeleteDelete current item
dDuplicate selected item
Ctrl+1 … 9Open selected item in pane 1 … 9
aAdd new file
Shift+aAdd new folder
iToggle display of VCS ignored files

Github Integration Atom Keyboard Shortcuts

Keyboard Shortcuts (Windows)Menu Description
Alt+g, then bOpen on Github: blame
Alt+g, then cOpen on Github: copy-url
Alt+g, then gOpen on Github: repository
Alt+g, then hOpen on Github: history
Alt+g, then iOpen on Github: issues
Alt+g, then oOpen on Github: file
Alt+g, then rOpen on Github: branch-compare

Manage Diffs Atom Keyboard Shortcuts

Keyboard Shortcuts (Windows)Menu Description
Alt+g, then dToggle list of diffs in file
Alt+g, then Arrow Down/Arrow UpMove to next/previous diff in file

Related Articles:

  Keyboard Shortcuts for Jira

Well, there you have it, Atom (text editor) Keyboard shortcuts list. You might not have known about these shortcuts. If I’ve left important something out in this list, feedback is appreciated and welcome on the Make A Public List.

Feel free to comment below.

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