List of all the Best Banks in Switzerland

The banking business today is the most profitable business in the world. Are you looking for a list of all the best banks in Switzerland? If your answer is yes then this article is for you. Here we make a great list for you. If you’re wondering how many banks are in Switzerland, there are more than enough.

Banque Nationale Suisse – Banca Nazionale Svizzera

AIG Private Bank

Amtsersparniskasse Thun

Anker Bank

BEKBnet/BCBE (Cyberbank of the Cantonal Bank of Berne)

Banque SCS Alliance

Banque Piguet & Cie S.A.

Banque Edouard Constant

Banque Diamantaire Anversoise

Banque Cantonale Vaudoise (BCV) (Lausanne)

Bankredit – Banca di Credito e Commercio (Lugano)

Bank von Ernst

Bank Leu – Switzerland’s oldest bank.

Bank for International Settlements (BIS)

Bank Ehinger

Banca dello Stato del Cantone Ticino

Arab Bank Switzerland

Hottinger & Cie

Habib Bank AG Zürich

Discount Bank Group (DBTC/DBSA)

Credit Suisse

Crédit Lyonnais Suisse

Clariden Bank

BSI – Banca della Svizzera Italiana

St. Gallische Kantonalbank

Skandia Bank (Switzerland) AG

BNP – Banque Nationale de Paris (Suisse)

Schwyzer Kantonalbank

SBC Warburg Dillon Read (WDR)

Royal Bank of Canada (Geneva)

Raiffeisen Internet

BHE – Bank für Handel & Effekten (Zürich)

Pictet & Cie (Pictet Group)


Maerki, Baumann & Co. AG, Privatbank

Solothurner Bank SoBa

Sparkassa Berneck

Swiss Bank Corporation

Thurgauer Kantonalbank

Union Bank of Switzerland (UBS)

Wegelin & Co. Privatbankiers

Zuger Kantonalbank

Zürcher Kantonalbank

More Banks:

  List of all the Best Banks in Comoros

Well, there you have it, a list of all the best banks in Switzerland. You might not have known about this list. If I’ve left important something out in this list, feedback is appreciated and welcome on the Make A Public List. Feel free to comment below.

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