Keyboard shortcuts for Affinity Designer

Are you finding the shortcuts for Affinity Designer? Affinity Designer provides shortcuts to help you quickly work on documents. Here is the list of all shortcuts that you can use in Affinity Designer. This post will help you to check and make your Affinity Designer work faster with Most Used.

FILE Keyboard shortcuts for Affinity Designer

Keyboard Shortcuts (Windows)Menu Description
Ctrl + NNew
Alt + Shift + Ctrl + NNew from clipboard
Ctrl + OOpen
Ctrl + WClose
Ctrl + SSave
Shift + Ctrl + SSave as
Alt + Shift + Ctrl + SExport
Shift + Ctrl + PDocument setup
Ctrl + PPrint

EDIT Keyboard shortcuts for Affinity Designer

Keyboard Shortcuts (Windows)Menu Description
Ctrl + ZUndo
Shift + Ctrl + ZRedo
Ctrl + XCut
Ctrl + CCopy
Ctrl + VPaste
Shift + Ctrl + VPaste style
Alt + Shift + VPaste FX
Alt + Ctrl + VPaste inside
Alt + Shift + Ctrl + VPaste without format
Ctrl + JDuplicate
N/AStart dictation
N/AEmoji and symbols

TEXT Keyboard shortcuts for Affinity Designer

Keyboard Shortcuts (Windows)Menu Description
Ctrl + TShow character
Shift + Ctrl + TShow typography
Ctrl + BBold
Ctrl + UUnderline
Ctrl + IItalic
Ctrl + >Bigger text size
Ctrl + <Smaller text size
Alt + Ctrl + >Precise bigger text size
Alt + Ctrl + <Precise smaller text size
Alt + LeftTighten spacing
Alt + RightLoosen spacing
Alt + Shift + LeftTight more
Alt + Shift + RightLoosen more
Ctrl + Shift + =Superscript
Ctrl + Alt + –Subscript
Alt + Shift + UpRaise baseline
Alt + Shift + DownLower baseline
Alt + Shift + Ctrl + UpPrecise raise baseline
Alt + Shift + Ctrl + DownPrecise lower baseline
Alt + Ctrl + LAlign left
Alt + Ctrl + CAlign center
Alt + Ctrl + RAlign right
Alt + Ctrl + IJustify left
Alt + DownIncrease paragraph leading
Alt + UpDecrease paragraph leading
Alt + Ctrl + DownPrecise increase paragraph leading
Alt + Ctrl + UpPrecise decrease paragraph leading
Shift + EnterLine break
Alt + Shift + –Em dash
Alt + –En dash
Alt + SpaceNon-breaking space
Shift + Ctrl + –Soft hyphen
Alt + Ctrl + –Non-breaking hyphen
Shift + Ctrl + ;Spelling options

LAYER Keyboard shortcuts for Affinity Designer

Keyboard Shortcuts (Windows)Menu Description
Ctrl + GGroup
Shift + Ctrl + GUngroup
Shift + Ctrl + ]Move layer to front
Shift + Ctrl + [Move layer to back
Ctrl + ]Move layer forward one
Ctrl + [Move layer back one
Alt + Ctrl + GMove inside
Alt + Shift + Ctrl + GMove outside
Alt + Ctrl + NNew layer
Shift + Ctrl + NNew pixel layer
Ctrl + MCurves
Alt + Shift + Ctrl + BBlack and white
Ctrl + LLock layer
Shift + Ctrl + LUnlock layer
Alt + Shift + Ctrl + LUnlock all
Alt + Shift + Ctrl + HShow all
Ctrl + EnterConvert to curves

SELECT Keyboard shortcuts for Affinity Designer

Keyboard Shortcuts (Windows)Menu Description
Ctrl + ASelect all
Ctrl + DDeselect
Shift + Ctrl + IInvert pixel selection
Alt + Ctrl + ]Select next
Alt + Ctrl + [Select previous

VIEW Keyboard shortcuts for Affinity Designer

Keyboard Shortcuts (Windows)Menu Description
Ctrl + =Zoom in
Ctrl + –Zoom out
Ctrl + 0Zoom to fit
Alt + Shift + 0Zoom to width
Alt + Ctrl + 0Zoom to selection
Ctrl + 1100% zoom
Ctrl + 2200% zoom
Ctrl + 3400% zoom
Ctrl + 4800% zoom
Ctrl + 8Actual size
Ctrl + 9Pixel size
Alt + Shift + Ctrl + RReset rotation
Alt + Ctrl + YPixels view mode
Alt + Shift + Ctrl + YPixels (Retina) view mode
N/AOutline view mode
,Split view
\Clip to canvas
Ctrl + ;Show guides
Ctrl + ‘Show grid
Ctrl + RShow rulers
Shift + Ctrl + HHide studio
Alt + Ctrl + TShow toolbar
TabToggle UI
N/AToggle full screen

TOOLS Keyboard shortcuts for Affinity Designer

Keyboard Shortcuts (Windows)Menu Description
VMove tool
ANode tool
OContour tool
CCorner tool
PPen tool
NPencil tool
BVector brush tool
GFill tool
YTransparency tool
MToggle between rectangle, ellipse, and rounded rectangle tools
TArtistic text tool
HView tool
ZZoom tool

MISC Keyboard shortcuts for Affinity Designer

Keyboard Shortcuts (Windows)Menu Description
Shift + dragConstrain movement of object along an axis
Shift + clickSelect multiple objects
Alt + dragMake copy of object
Alt + clickSelect overlapped object
.Cycle selection box
Numeric keysChange opacity
XSwitch between color one and color two
DSet stroke and fill to black and white
[Decrease brush size
]Increase brush size

Related Articles:

  Keyboard shortcuts for Affinity Photo

Well, there you have it, Affinity Designer shortcuts list. You might not have known about these shortcuts. If I’ve left important something out in this list, feedback is appreciated and welcome on the Make A Public List.

Feel free to comment below.

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