Keyboard shortcuts for Affinity Photo

Are you finding the shortcuts for Affinity Photo? Affinity Photo provides shortcuts to help you quickly work on documents. Here is the list of all shortcuts that you can use in Affinity Photo. This post will help you to check and make your Affinity Photo work faster with Most Used.

Editing Keyboard shortcuts for Affinity Photo

Keyboard Shortcuts (Windows)Menu Description
Alt + Ctrl + IResize Document
Alt + Ctrl + CResize Canvas
⇧ + clickSelect multiple
Alt + clickSelect overlapping layer content
. (period)Reset Selection Box
;Toggle Snapping
CtrlErase with Pixel Tool on current layer
XSwitch between Stroke/Fill (or Colour 1/Colour 2) colour selectors (Colour and Swatches panels)
⇧ + XSwap Stroke/Fill (or Colour 1/Colour 2) colour selectors
/ (International and selected keyboards only)Set No fill on Stroke/Fill (or Colour 1/Colour 2) colour selectors
OToggle between Crop Tool overlays
⇧ + OFlip golden spiral overlay (crop tool enabled)
Drag attribute text labelModify attribute listed on a panel or dialog
⇧ + dragRotate in 15° intervals
Ctrl + dragRotate around opposite corner
escCancel a sizing, moving, or creating operation
Ctrl + drag from a corner handleResize from centre
Ctrl + dragMirror shearing
⇧ + dragConstrain movement horizontally, vertically or diagonally
Arrow keysNudging
⇧ + arrow keysNudging (10x measurement units)

Vector graphics Keyboard shortcuts for Affinity Photo

⇧ + drag from a corner handleResize maintaining aspect ratio
CtrlEdit curves as you draw using node editing (from pen)
Alt + drag control handleCreates cusp node (sharp corner)
⇧ + drag control handleSnap a curve’s control handle to 45° intervals
Ctrl + ↵Convert to Curves

File Keyboard shortcuts for Affinity Photo

Keyboard Shortcuts (Windows)Menu Description
Ctrl + NNew Document
Alt + ⇧ + Ctrl + NNew From Clipboard
Ctrl + OOpen Document
Ctrl + WClose Document/Close App (when no documents open)
Ctrl + ⇥Switch Document/View
Ctrl + SSave
⇧ + Ctrl + SSave As
Alt + ⇧ + Ctrl + SExport
Ctrl + PPrint

Tools Keyboard shortcuts for Affinity Photo

Keyboard Shortcuts (Windows)Menu Description
GFlood Fill Tool / Gradient cycle
HView Tool
VMove Tool
CCrop Tool
WSelection Tools cycle
PPen and Node Tool cycle
ZZoom Tool
SClone Tool
UShape Tools cycle
TText Tools cycle
ODodge, Burn and Sponge Brush Tool cycle
JRetouch Tools cycle
BPainting Tools cycle
EErase Tools cycle
MMarquee Selection Tools cycle
LFree Hand Selection Tool

Liquify Keyboard shortcuts for Affinity Photo

Keyboard Shortcuts (Windows)Menu Description
PLiquify Push Forward Tool
LLiquify Push Left Tool
TLiquify Twirl Tool
ULiquify Pinch Tool
BLiquify Turbulence Tool
CLiquify Mesh Clone Tool
RLiquify Reconstruct Tool
FLiquify Freeze Tool
WLiquify Thaw Tool
ZLiquify Zoom Tool
HLiquify View Tool

Develop Keyboard shortcuts for Affinity Photo

Keyboard Shortcuts (Windows)Menu Description
SSampler Tool
WWhite Balance Tool
RRed Eye Removal Tool
LBlemish Removal Tool
BOverlay Paint Tool
EOverlay Erase Tool
GOverlay Gradient Tool
CCrop Tool
ZZoom Tool
HView Tool

Export Keyboard shortcuts for Affinity Photo

Keyboard Shortcuts (Windows)Menu Description
SSlice Tool
LLayer Select tool
ATransform Source Image Tool
LAdd to Source Image Mask Tool
UErase From Source Image Mask Tool

Tone mapping Keyboard shortcuts for Affinity Photo

Keyboard Shortcuts (Windows)Menu Description
HView Tool
ZZoom Tool
BOverlay Paint Tool
EOverlay Erase Tool
GOverlay Gradient Tool

Edit Keyboard shortcuts for Affinity Photo

Keyboard Shortcuts (Windows)Menu Description
Ctrl + ZUndo
⇧ + Ctrl + ZRedo
⇧ + Ctrl + CCopy Merged
⇧ + Ctrl + VPaste Style
Alt + Ctrl + VPaste FX
Alt + ⇧ + Ctrl + VPaste without Format
Alt + Ctrl + VPaste Inside
⇧ + F5Fill
Alt + ⇥Inpaint

Layer operations Keyboard shortcuts for Affinity Photo

Keyboard Shortcuts (Windows)Menu Description
Alt + Ctrl + ASelect All Layers
Ctrl + GGroup
⇧ + Ctrl + GUngroup
Ctrl + JDuplicate
Ctrl + IInvert
⇧ + Ctrl + ]Move to Front
Ctrl + ]Move Forward One
⇧ + Ctrl + [Move to Back
Ctrl + [Move Back One
⇧ + Ctrl + NNew Layer
Ctrl + EMerge Down
⇧ + Ctrl + EMerge Selected
Alt + ⇧ + Ctrl + EMerge Visible
FToggle between Frequency Separation layers

Live projection Keyboard shortcuts for Affinity Photo

Keyboard Shortcuts (Windows)Menu Description
Ctrl + Alt + PEdit Live Projection
Brush  Keyboard shortcuts for Affinity Photo
Alt + dragPicks up a new brush colour with colour picker
Alt + Ctrl + clickPicks and applies the colour under the cursor
numeric keys (4=40%, 43=43%, etc.)Change selected layer content/brush tool’s opacity
] [Increase/decrease brush width (Photo and Liquify Personas)
Alt + right button down + drag (left/right)Decrease/increase brush-width with on-screen readout
Alt + right button down + drag (up/down)Decrease/increase brush hardness with on-screen readout
⇧ + clickDraw straight line connecting two strokes

Text Keyboard shortcuts for Affinity Photo

Keyboard Shortcuts (Windows)Menu Description
Ctrl + >Bigger text
Ctrl + <Smaller text
Alt + Ctrl + >Precise bigger text
Alt + Ctrl + <Precise smaller text
Alt + ←Tighten
Alt + →Loosen
Alt + ⇧ + ←Tighten More
Alt + ⇧ + →Loosen More
Ctrl + BBold
Ctrl + IItalic
Ctrl + UUnderline
Ctrl + TShow Character
⇧ + Ctrl + TShow Typography
Ctrl + Alt + +Superscript
Ctrl + Alt + –Subscript
Ctrl + Alt + LAlign Left
Ctrl + Alt + RAlign Right
Ctrl + Alt + CAlign Centre
⇧ + Alt + Ctrl + \Justify Left
Alt + ↓Increase Paragraph Leading
Alt + ↑Decrease Paragraph Leading
⇧ + Ctrl + ↓Precise Paragraph Increase Leading
⇧ + Ctrl + ↑Precise Paragraph Decrease Leading
Alt + ⇧ + ↑Raise Baseline
Alt + ⇧ + ↓Lower Baseline
Alt + ⇧ + Ctrl + ↑Precise Raise Baseline
Alt + ⇧ + Ctrl + ↓Precise Lower Baseline
Ctrl + Alt + SpacebarSpecial Characters
⇧ + Ctrl + ;Spelling Options
Ctrl + ↵Line Break
Alt + SpacebarNon Breaking Space
Alt + –En Dash
Alt + ⇧ + –Em Dash

View Keyboard shortcuts for Affinity Photo

Keyboard Shortcuts (Windows)Menu Description
Ctrl + +Zoom In
Ctrl + –Zoom Out
Ctrl + 0Zoom to Fit
Ctrl + 1(Zoom to) 100%
Ctrl + 2(Zoom to) 200%
Ctrl + 3(Zoom to) 400%
Ctrl + 4(Zoom to) 800%
Ctrl + 8(Zoom to) Actual Size
Ctrl + 9(Zoom to) Pixel Size
SpacebarHot key panning
Spacebar + CtrlHot key zoom in
Spacebar + Alt + ClickHot key zoom out
HView Tool
Mouse scroll wheelScroll vertically up/down
⇧ + Mouse wheelScroll horizontally left/right

Toggle Full Screen Keyboard shortcuts for Affinity Photo

Keyboard Shortcuts (Windows)Menu Description
Ctrl + ⇥Switch between views
Ctrl + RShow Rulers
Ctrl + ;Show Guides
Ctrl + ‘Show Grid
Grid Plane cycle
,Split View cycle (Liquify/Develop Persona)

Pixel selection/Mask Keyboard shortcuts for Affinity Photo

Keyboard Shortcuts (Windows)Menu Description
Ctrl + ASelect All
Ctrl + DDeselect
⇧ + Ctrl + IInvert Pixel Selection
CtrlAdd to selection (Marquee/Free hand selection tools only)
Remove from selection
Ctrl + BGrow/Shrink
⇧ + F6Feather
Ctrl + Alt + RRefine Edges
arrow keyMove selection in 1-pixel increments
⇧ + arrow keyMove selection in 10-pixel increments
Ctrl + click layer thumbnail or OSelection from layer
⇧ + Ctrl + click layer thumbnailSelection from layer luminosity
⇧ + Ctrl + click on page.Polygon selection (Freehand Selection Tool only)
QQuick Mask
Ctrl + IInvert Mask

Workspace Keyboard shortcuts for Affinity Photo

Keyboard Shortcuts (Windows)Menu Description
⇧ + Ctrl + HShow/Hide Studio (panels)
Alt + Ctrl + TShow/Hide Toolbar
Toggle UI
Ctrl + HHide Workspace

Adjustment and filter Keyboard shortcuts for Affinity Photo

Keyboard Shortcuts (Windows)Menu Description
Ctrl + LLevels (Adjustment)
Ctrl + UHSL (Adjustment)
Ctrl + IInvert (Adjustment)
Ctrl + MCurves (Adjustment)
Alt + ⇧ + Ctrl + BBlack and White (Adjustment)
Ctrl + FRepeat Filter

Liquify Keyboard shortcuts for Affinity Photo

Keyboard Shortcuts (Windows)Menu Description
Ctrl + DMask All
Ctrl + IInvert Mask
Ctrl + AClear Mask

Miscellaneous Keyboard shortcuts for Affinity Photo

Keyboard Shortcuts (Windows)Menu Description
Ctrl + ,Preferences
Alt + Ctrl + LLiquify Persona
Alt + Ctrl + EExport Persona
Alt + Ctrl + RDevelop Persona
Alt + Ctrl + HHide Others (applications)
Alt + Ctrl + MMedia Browser

Related Articles:

  Keyboard shortcuts for Bear notes app

Well, there you have it, Affinity Photo shortcuts list. You might not have known about these shortcuts. If I’ve left important something out in this list, feedback is appreciated and welcome on the Make A Public List.

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