Keyboard shortcuts for Airtable

Are you finding the Keyboard shortcuts for Airtable? Airtable provides shortcuts to help you quickly work on documents. Here is the list of all shortcuts that you can use in Airtable. This post will help you to check and make your Airtable work faster with Most Used. 

General Keyboard shortcuts for Airtable

Keyboard Shortcuts (Windows)Menu Description
Undo action.ctrl + z
Redo action.ctrl + y or ctrl + shift + z
Print the current table view or current expanded recordctrl + p
Opens the table switcher in the current base.ctrl + j
Opens the quick base switcher if on the home screen or inside a base.ctrl + k
Opens the view switcher in the current base.ctrl + shift + k
Opens the filter menu in the current view. Press Enter to create a new filter.ctrl + shift + f
Opens the grouped records menu in the current view.ctrl + shift + d
Opens the sort menu in the current view. Press Enter to re-apply the most recent sort.ctrl + shift + s
Toggles blocks.ctrl + shift + \
Opens find bar. Use Esc to close find bar.ctrl + f or ctrl + g
Sets the selected date/datetime field to now.ctrl + ;

Grid view Keyboard shortcuts for Airtable 

Keyboard Shortcuts (Windows)Menu Description
Copy a cell or range of cells.ctrl + c
Cut a cell or range of cells.ctrl + x
Paste a cell ( you can paste the same value into multiple selected cells at once).ctrl + v
Expand the active record (use Esc to return to table).space
Expand the active cell (you can then use arrow keys to move to different cells).shift + space
Scrolls one screen up or down.pageup or pagedown
Scrolls one screen left or right.alt + pageup or alt + pagedown
Jump to the edge of the table.ctrl + left or ctrl + right or ctrl + up or ctrl + down
Jump to edge of table and select cells.ctrl + shift + left or ctrl + shift + right or ctrl + shift + up or ctrl + shift + down
Select range of cells.shift + left or shift + right or shift + up or shift + down
Insert a record below the selected cell.shift + enter
Edit the selected cell.enter or f2

Gallery view Keyboard shortcuts for Airtable 

Keyboard Shortcuts (Windows)Menu Description
Scroll to edge of gallery.ctrl + up or ctrl + down

Kanban view Keyboard shortcuts for Airtable 

Keyboard Shortcuts (Windows)Menu Description
Scroll kanban board to the left or right by one stack.left or right
Scroll kanban board to the left or right edge.ctrl + left or ctrl + right
Scroll all stacks to top or bottom.ctrl + up or ctrl + down

Expanded record Keyboard shortcuts for Airtable

Keyboard Shortcuts (Windows)Menu Description
Move to previous record while viewing an expanded record.ctrl + shift + <
Move to next record while viewing an expanded record.ctrl + shift + >
Close expanded record.ESC

Related Articles:

  Keyboard Shortcuts for Google Drive

Well, there you have it, Keyboard shortcuts for Airtable shortcuts list. You might not have known about these shortcuts. If I’ve left important something out in this list, feedback is appreciated and welcome on the Make A Public List.

Feel free to comment below.

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