Keyboard shortcuts for Android Studio

Are you finding the shortcuts for Android Studio? Android Studio provides shortcuts to help you quickly work on documents. Here is the list of all shortcuts that you can use in Android Studio. This post will help you to check and make your Android Studio work faster with Most Used.


Keyboard Shortcuts (Windows)Menu Description
Save allctrl + s
Synchronizectrl + alt + y
Maximize/minimize editorctrl + shift + f12
Add to favoritesalt + shift + f
Inspect current file with current profilealt + shift + i
Quick switch schemectrl + `
Open settings dialoguectrl + alt + s
Open project structure dialogctrl + alt + shift + s
Switch between tabs and tool windowctrl + tab

Navigating and searching 

Keyboard Shortcuts (Windows)Menu Description
Search everything (including code and menus)shift  shift
Findctrl + f
Find nextf3
Find previousshift + f3
Replacectrl + r
Find actionctrl + shift + a
Search by symbol namectrl + alt + shift + n
Find classctrl + n
Find file (instead of class)ctrl + shift + n
Find in pathctrl + shift + f
Open file structure pop-upctrl + f12
Navigate between open editor tabs  alt + right or alt + left
Jump to sourcef4 or ctrl + enter
Open current editor tab in new windowshift + f4
Recently opened files pop-upctrl + e
Recently edited files pop-upctrl + shift + e
Go to last edit locationctrl + shift + backspace
Close active editor tabctrl + f4
Return to editor window from a tool windowesc
Hide active or last active tool windowshift + esc
Go to linectrl + g
Open type hierarchyctrl + h
Open method hierarchyctrl + shift + h
Open call hierarchyctrl + alt + h

Viewing layouts 

Keyboard Shortcuts (Windows)Menu Description
Zoom in/out  ctrl + plus or ctrl + minus
Fit to screenctrl + 0
Actual sizectrl + shift + 1

Design tools: Layout Editor

Keyboard Shortcuts (Windows)Menu Description
Toggle between Design and Blueprint modesb
Toggle between Portrait and Landscape modeso
Toggle devicesd
Force refreshr
Toggle render errors panele
Delete constraints  del or ctrl + click
Zoom inctrl + plus
Zoom outctrl + minus
Zoom to fitctrl + 0
Panspace + click + drag
Go to XMLctrl + b
Select all componentsctrl + a
Select multiple components  shift + click or ctrl + click

Design tools: Navigation Editor 

Keyboard Shortcuts (Windows)Menu Description
Zoom inctrl + plus
Zoom outctrl + minus
Zoom to fitctrl + 0
Panspace + click + drag
Go to XMLctrl + b
Toggle render errors panele
Group into nested graphctrl + g
Cycle through destinationstab or shift + tab
Select all destinationsctrl + a
Select multiple destinations  shift + click or ctrl + click

Writing code   

Keyboard Shortcuts (Windows)Menu Description
Generate code (getters, setters, constructors, hashCode/equals, toString, new file, new class)alt + ins
Override methodsctrl + o
Implement methodsctrl + i
Surround with (if…else / try…catch / etc.)ctrl + alt + t
Delete line at caretctrl + y
Collapse/expand current code block  ctrl + minus or ctrl + plus
Collapse/expand all code blocks  ctrl + shift + minus or ctrl + shift + plus
Duplicate current line or selectionctrl + d
Basic code completionctrl + space
Smart code completion (filters the list of methods and variables by expected type)ctrl + shift + space
Complete statementctrl + shift + enter
Quick documentation lookupctrl + q
Show parameters for selected methodctrl + p
Go to declaration (directly)ctrl + b or ctrl + click
Go to implementationsctrl + alt + b
Go to super-method/super-classctrl + u
Open quick definition lookupctrl + shift + i
Toggle project tool window visibilityalt + 1
Toggle bookmarkf11
Toggle bookmark with mnemonicctrl + f11
Comment/uncomment with line commentctrl + /
Comment/uncomment with block commentctrl + shift + /
Select successively increasing code blocksctrl + w
Decrease current selection to previous statectrl + shift + w
Move to code block startctrl + [
Move to code block endctrl + ]
Select to the code block startctrl + shift + [
Select to the code block endctrl + shift + ]
Delete to end of wordctrl + del
Delete to start of wordctrl + backspace
Optimize importsctrl + alt + o
Project quick fix (show intention actions and quick fixes)alt + enter
Reformat codectrl + alt + l
Auto-indent linesctrl + alt + i
Indent/unindent linestab or shift + tab
Smart line joinctrl + shift + j
Smart line splitctrl + enter
Start new lineshift + enter
Next/previous highlighted error  f2 or shift + f2

Build and run 

Keyboard Shortcuts (Windows)Menu Description
Buildctrl + f9
Build and runshift + f10
Apply Changes and Restart Activityctrl + f10
Apply Code Changesctrl + alt + f10


Keyboard Shortcuts (Windows)Menu Description
Debugshift + f9
Step overf8
Step intof7
Smart step intoshift + f7
Step outshift + f8
Run to cursoralt + f9
Evaluate expressionalt + f8
Resume programf9
Toggle breakpointctrl + f8
View breakpointsctrl + shift + f8


Keyboard Shortcuts (Windows)Menu Description
Safe deletealt + del
Renameshift + f6
Change signaturectrl + f6
Inlinectrl + alt + n
Extract methodctrl + alt + m
Extract variablectrl + alt + v
Extract fieldctrl + alt + f
Extract constantctrl + alt + c
Extract parameterctrl + alt + p

Version control / local history

Keyboard Shortcuts (Windows)Menu Description
Commit project to VCSctrl + k
Update project from VCSctrl + t
View recent changesalt + shift + c
Open VCS popupalt + `

Related Articles:

  Keyboard Shortcuts for Brave Browser

Well, there you have it, Android Studio shortcuts list. You might not have known about these shortcuts. If I’ve left important something out in this list, feedback is appreciated and welcome on the Make A Public List.

Feel free to comment below.

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