Keyboard shortcuts for Bear notes app

Are you finding the Keyboard shortcuts for Bear notes app? Bear notes app provides shortcuts to help you quickly work on documents. Here is the list of all shortcuts that you can use in Bear notes app. This post will help you to check and make your Bear notes app work faster with Most Used.

Text Styles shortcuts for Bear

Keyboard Shortcuts (Mac)Menu Description
Option+Cmd+SLine separator
Cmd+LUnordered list
ShiftCmd+LOrdered list
Option+Cmd+CInline code
Ctrl+Option +CCode block
Shift+Cmd+VInsert file

Todos shortcuts for Bear

Keyboard Shortcuts (Mac)Menu Description
Shift+Cmd+TToggle Todo
Option+Cmd+TMark Todo as completed
Ctrl+Cmd+TMark Todo as incomplete

Structure shortcuts for Bear

Keyboard Shortcuts (Mac)Menu Description
Cmd+ ]Shift line right
Cmd+ [Shift line left
Cmd+Option+UpMove line up
Cmd+Option+DownMove line down

Lists shortcuts for Bear

Keyboard Shortcuts (Mac)Menu Description
TabShift the list element right
Shift+TabShift the list element left
Shift+EnterEnd the list

Dates shortcuts for Bear

Keyboard Shortcuts (Mac)Menu Description
Shift+Cmd+7Long-Form Date with time (11 Jul 2017, 10:43)
Shift+Cmd+8Long-Form Date (11 Jul 2017)
Shift+Cmd+9Short Form Date (11/07/2017)
Shift+Cmd+0Hours (11:43)

Control shortcuts for Bear

Keyboard Shortcuts (Mac)Menu Description
Cmd+ASelect all
Cmd+EnterEnd editing
Cmd+PPrint note

Zoom shortcuts for Bear

Keyboard Shortcuts (Mac)Menu Description
Cmd+(+)Zoom in
Cmd+(-)Zoom out
Cmd+(0)Actual size

Panels and Search shortcuts for Bear

Keyboard Shortcuts (Mac)Menu Description
Shift+Cmd+IToggle information panel
Cmd+FSearch inside the current note
Option+Cmd+FSearch and replace inside the current note
Shift+Cmd+FSearch inside the note list

Navigation shortcuts for Bear

Keyboard Shortcuts (Mac)Menu Description
Cmd+NCreate a new note
Option+Cmd+NCreate a new note in a new window
Up/DownMove the selection in the note and tags list
Left/RightMove the selection between the sidebar, the nost list, and the editor
EnterEdit the selected note
Option+Cmd+FSearch in the current note list
Cmd+BackspaceDelete selected note
Shift+Cmd+RRestore selected note
Shift+Cmd+PPin/unpin selected note
Cmd+ASelect all the notes in the list
Shift+Cmd+BackspaceEmpty Trash
Cmd+1Select Notes in the sidebar
Cmd+2Select Untagged in the sidebar
Cmd+3Select ToDo in the sidebar
Cmd+4Select Today in the sidebar
Cmd+5Select Archive in the sidebar
Cmd+6Select Trash in the sidebar
Option+Cmd+LeftNavigate back in visualized notes history
Option+Cmd+RightNavigate forward in visualized notes history

Saving and Importing shortcuts for Bear

Keyboard Shortcuts (Mac)Menu Description
Shift+Cmd+SExport selected notes
Shift+Cmd+OImport notes

Window shortcuts for Bear

Keyboard Shortcuts (Mac)Menu Description
Ctrl+1Show sidebar, note list, and editor
Ctrl+2Show note list and editor
Ctrl+3Show editor only
Ctrl+ ,Show preferences
Ctrl+Cmd+FEnter fullscreen
Cmd+ \Open the main window

Related Articles:

  Keyboard Shortcuts for Xcode

Well, there you have it, Bear notes app shortcuts list. You might not have known about these shortcuts. If I’ve left important something out in this list, feedback is appreciated and welcome on the Make A Public List.

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