Keyboard Shortcuts for Chrome Developer Tools

Are you finding the Keyboard shortcuts for Chrome Developer Tools? Chrome Developer Tools provides shortcuts to help you quickly work on documents. Here is the list of all shortcuts that you can use. This post will help you to check and make your work faster with the most used.

Keyboard Shortcuts (Windows)Keyboard Shortcuts (Mac) PanelMenu Description
? or F1? or Fn + F1AllGo to settings
Ctrl + ]Cmd + ]AllGo to next panel in right
Ctrl + [Cmd + [AllGo the previous panel in left
Ctrl + Shift + DCmd + Shift + DAllToggle developer tools to previously used position. If you have not changed the position, then it will move the developer tools to a separate window.
Ctrl + Shift + MCmd + Shift + MAllChange device mode to mobile or desktop
Ctrl + Shift + CCmd + Shift + CAllOpen developer tools with Elements tab (Same as right clicking and selecting Inspection Element)
Ctrl + Shift + PCmd + Shift + PAllOpen Command Prompt inside developer tools
EscapeEscapeAllShow or hide drawer
F5 or Ctrl + RCmd + RAllReload webpage
Ctrl + F5 or Ctrl + Shift + RCmd + Shift + RAllForce reload webpage
Ctrl + FCmd + FAllSearch in the current panel
Ctrl + Shift + FCmd + Option + FAllSearch from drawer
Ctrl + O or Ctrl + PCmd + O or Cmd + PAllSelect and open a file in Sources panel
Ctrl + Shift + +Cmd + Shift + +AllZoom in
Ctrl + –Cmd + –AllZoom out
Ctrl + 0Cmd + 0AllDefault zoom
Ctrl + ZCmd + ZElementsUndo last edit
Ctrl + YCmd + Shift + ZElementsRedo last edit
Up Arrow / Down ArrowUp Arrow / Down ArrowElementsMove up or down to select codes and highlight corresponding elements on the page
Right ArrowRight ArrowElementsExpand the node or go to the first element
Left ArrowLeft ArrowElementsCollapse the node or go to the parent node
Ctrl + Alt + Click Arrow Icon of ElementOption + Click Arrow Icon of ElementElementsShow or hide all nodes from the parent node
EnterEnterElementsEdit the selected node
Tab / Shift + TabTab / Shift + TabElementsGo to previous or next node in edit mode
HHElementsHide the currently-selected element
F2Fn + F2ElementsEdit the selected node as HTML
Control + Click propertyCommand + Click propertyElements > StylesGo to the source code of the property
Shift + Click on color preview iconShift + Click on color preview iconElements > StylesToggle RBGA, HSLA, and Hex values
Click on property + TabClick on property + TabElements > StylesGo to next property or value or create a new line
Click on property and Shift + TabClick on property and Shift + TabElements > StylesGo to previous property or value or create a new line
Click a value + Alt + Up or Down ArrowClick a value + Option + Up or Down ArrowElements > StylesIncrease or decrease value by 0.1
Click a value + Up or Down ArrowClick a value + Up or Down ArrowElements > StylesIncrease or decrease value by 0.1
Click a value + Shift + Up or Down ArrowClick a value + Shift + Up or Down ArrowElements > StylesIncrease or decrease value by 10
Click a value + Ctrl + Up or Down ArrowClick a value + Cmd + Up or Down ArrowElements > StylesIncrease or decrease value by 100
F8 or Ctrl + \F8 or Cmd + \SourcesRun or pause script
F10 or Ctrl + ‘F10 or Cmd + ‘SourcesStep over next function call
F11 or Ctrl + ;F11 or Cmd + ;SourcesStep into next function call
Shift + F11 or Ctrl + Shift + ;Shift + F11 or Cmd + Shift + ;SourcesStep out of current function
Ctrl + Click Line of codeCmd + Click Line of codeSourcesRun code when paused
Ctrl + . / Ctrl + ,Ctrl + . / Ctrl + ,SourcesSelect the call frame above or below
Ctrl + SCmd + SSourcesSave changes
Ctrl + Alt + SCmd + Option + SSourcesSave all changes
Ctrl + GCtrl + GSourcesOpen go to line pop-up
Ctrl + O, type : then line number and press enter.Cmd + O, type : then line number and press enter.SourcesGo to Current Open File Line Number
Ctrl + O + : + Line Number + Column Number + EnterCmd + O + : + Line Number + Column Number + EnterSourcesGo to Current Open File Column Number
Alt + WOption + WSourcesClose active tab
Ctrl + DeleteOption + DeleteCode EditorDelete characters till cursor position in the last word
Select the line + Ctrl + BSelect the line + Cmd + BCode EditorGoogle code breakpoint
Ctrl + MCtrl + MCode EditorFind closing bracket
Ctrl + /Cmd + /Code EditorAdd Comment
Ctrl + DCmd + DCode EditorSelect the highlighted word
Ctrl + UCmd + UCode EditorDe-select the highlighted word
Ctrl + ECmd + EPerformance / MemoryToggle recording
Ctrl + SCmd + SPerformanceSave recording
Ctrl + OCmd + OPerformanceLoad recording
Right Arrow or TabRight Arrow or TabConsoleAccept Autocomplete
EscapeEscapeConsoleReject Autocomplete
Up ArrowUp ArrowConsolePrevious statement
Down ArrowDown ArrowConsoleNext statement
Ctrl + `Ctrl + `ConsoleFocus Console
Ctrl + LCmd + K or Option + LConsoleClear Console
Shift + EnterCmd + ReturnConsoleForce multiple line entry
Alt + Click ExpandOption + Click ExpandConsoleCollapse object

Related Articles:

Well, there you have it, Chrome Developer Tools shortcuts list. You might not have known about these shortcuts. If I’ve left important something out in this list, feedback is appreciated and welcome on the Make A Public List.

Feel free to comment below.

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