Keyboard Shortcuts for Google Chrome

Are you finding the Keyboard shortcuts for Google Chrome? Google Chrome provides shortcuts to help you quickly work on documents. Here is the list of all shortcuts that you can use. This post will help you to check and make your work faster with the most used.

Manage Tabs 

Keyboard Shortcuts (Windows)Menu Description
Ctrl+TOpen a new tab
Ctrl+Shift+TReopen the last tab closed (up to 10 tabs)
Ctrl+W/ Ctrl+F4Close the tab
 (or close Chrome if only one tab is open)
Ctrl+1 through Ctrl+8Switch to the first tab, the second, etc.
Ctrl+9Switch to the last tab
Ctrl+Tab/Ctrl+Page UpSwitch to the next tab
Ctrl+Shift+Tab/Ctrl+Page DownSwitch to the previous tab
Ctrl+NOpen a new window
Ctrl+Shift+NOpen a new incognito window
Ctrl+Shift+W/ Alt+F4Close the current window
Ctrl+left-clickOpen the link in a new background tab
Ctrl+Shift+left-clickOpen the link in a new foreground tab
Shift+left-clickOpen the link in a new window
Alt+left-clickDownload the link
Ctrl + click on “Search Google for” from a drop down menuOpen Google search in a new background tab
Shift + click on “Search Google for” from a drop down menuOpen Google search in a new window
Drag link to an existing tabOpen the link in the selected tab
Drag link to tab barOpen the link in a new tab in the specified position on the tab strip
Hold Ctrl + click on tabs in the tab barSelect multiple tabs (to rearrange them or create a new window)
Hold Shift + click on two tabs in the tab barSelect all the tabs between two tabs (to rearrange them or create a new window)

Address Bar

Keyboard Shortcuts (Windows)Menu Description
Ctrl+L/ Alt+DSet focus to the address bar (highlights the current webpage URL if available)
Shift+Alt+TSet focus to the toolbar
Ctrl+E/ Ctrl+KEnter search query in the address bar
Arrow Down to highlight, then Shift + DeleteRemove a prediction from the address bar
Type search term and press EnterPerform a search using the search engine associated with the keyword or the URI
Type and press Alt+EnterOpen the site or a search in a new foreground tab
Type and press Win+EnterOpen the site or a search in a new background tab (doesn’t work in Windows 10)
Type and press Alt+Shift+EnterOpen the site or a search in a new background tab (works in Windows 10)
Type and press Shift+EnterOpen the site or a search in a new window
Type and press Ctrl+EnterAdd www. to beginning and .com to end of input and open the web address in the current tab
Type and press Ctrl+Alt+EnterAdd www. to beginning and .com to end of input and open the web address in a new foreground tab
Type and press Ctrl+Win+EnterAdd www. to beginning and .com to end of input and open the web address in a new background tab (doesn’t work in Windows 10)
Type and press Ctrl+Shift+EnterAdd www. to beginning and .com to end of input and open the web address in a new window
Type name of search engine and press TabTab-to-Search feature. E.g. Typing in ‘’ plus tab opens yahoo search. Add/edit search engines via ‘Under the Hood’ -> Basic -> Search Engines.

View Webpages

Keyboard Shortcuts (Windows)Menu Description
F6Alternate focus between address bar, bookmarks bar and webpage
Arrow Down/Arrow UpScroll down / scroll up
Page Down/Page UpScroll one page down / up
Space/Shift+SpaceScroll one page down / up
Home/EndJump to beginning / to end of webpage
Ctrl+[+]/-Zoom in / zoom out (or Ctrl+mousewheel)
Ctrl+0 (zero)Return zoom to normal text size
Ctrl+UView webpage source
F11Turn full screen on / off
FTurn fullscreen on / off for some video types (e.g. YouTube)
MMute / unmute some video types (e.g. YouTube)

Browse between Webpages

Keyboard Shortcuts (Windows)Menu Description
Alt+HomeJump to homepage
Alt+Arrow Left/Arrow RightJump to previous webpage visited / jump to next webpage
F5/Ctrl+RReload current webpage
Ctrl+F5/Shift+F5Reload current webpage with cache override
EscStop webpage loading

Browse within Webpages

Keyboard Shortcuts (Windows)Menu Description
Tab/Shift+Tab with focus on webpageJump to next / previous link
Enter on linkOpen link in current tab
Ctrl+Enter on linkOpen link in a new background tab
Shift+Ctrl+Enter on linkOpen link in a new foreground tab
Shift+Enter on linkOpen link in a new window
Alt+Enter on linkDownload link
Shift+F10Open context menu (simulate right mouse button)
Ctrl+ASelect all content on webpage
Ctrl+C with content selectedCopy selected content to clipboard

Access Browser Features

Keyboard Shortcuts (Windows)Menu Description
Ctrl+PPrint current webpage (Chrome Print Dialog)
Ctrl+Shift+PPrint current webpage (Native Windows Print Dialog)
Ctrl+OOpen file
Ctrl+SSave current webpage
Alt+FOpen Wrench Menu (I’d call it file menu to remember the shortcut)
Ctrl+HOpen History tab
Ctrl+JOpen Downloads tab
Shift+EscView Google Task manager
F1Chrome Help
Ctrl+Shift+DelOpen the Clear Browsing Data options


Keyboard Shortcuts (Windows)Menu Description
Ctrl+F/F3Find text on webpage. Press Enter for.
Enter/Shift+Enter with text found on webpageFind next / find previous match
Ctrl+G/Ctrl+Shift+G with text found on webpageFind next / find previous match
EscWith focus on Search box: Close Search box

Bookmarks Shortcuts

Keyboard Shortcuts (Windows)Menu Description
Ctrl+Shift+BShow or hide bookmarks bar
Ctrl+Shift+OOpen Bookmark Manager
Ctrl+DAdd bookmark for current webpage
Ctrl+Shift+DSaves all open pages as bookmarks in a new folder
Drag URL to bookmark barBookmark webpage (can be URL from address bar or link from page)
Alt+F, then BOpen Bookmark Manager Tab

Manage Chrome DevTools

Keyboard Shortcuts (Windows)Menu Description
9.1 Accessing DevTools and DevTools Basics  
Ctrl+Shift+I (or F12)Open Developer Tools
Ctrl+Shift+JOpen Developer Tools (With Focus on Javascript Console)
Ctrl+Shift+CToggle Element Inspection mode
Ctrl+Shift+C (2x)Switch Focus on Developer Tools (there is not really a shortcut for focusing on the Developer Tool, but this is a workaround. Watch the Inspector Mode Icon change color as you press for guidence. Finally, this works only if DevTools are docked; if they are not, simpy switch between windows with Alt+Tab)
?Show General Settings Dialog (press Esc to exit)
Ctrl+[/]Switch to next / Switch to previous panel (add Alt to the combination to reverse the direction)
Ctrl+DDock / Undock Developer Tool
Ctrl+Shift+MToggle (mobile) Device Mode
Ctrl+FSearch Text in Source
Ctrl+Shift+FSearch Text across sources
Ctrl+OSearch by Filename
Ctrl+[+]/-Zoom in / Zoom out Developer tools
Ctrl+0 (zero)Zoom to default
9.2 Elements Panel  
Ctrl+Arrow UpFocus on the Elements content (this is strangely nowhere documented, but worked for me; without this one, you cannot use any of the other shortcuts below without clicking on the content first)
Arrow Up/Arrow DownNavigate upwards/ downwards
Ctrl+Z/Ctrl+YUndo / Redo Change
Arrow Right/Arrow LeftExpand / Collapse
Left-click on arrowExpand node
Ctrl+Alt+Left-clickExpand/collapse node with all children
EnterEdit the element
HHide the element
F2Toggle edit as HTML
9.3 Styles Panel  
Left-clickEdit Rule
Left-click on white spaceInsert new property
Ctrl+Left-click on propertyGo to line of style rule property declaration
Shift+Left-click on propertyCycle through the color definition value
Tab/Shift+TabEdit next / edit previous property
Arrow Up/Arrow DownIncrease / decrease value by 1
Page Up/Page DownIncrease / decrease value by 10
Shift+Page Up/Page DownIncrease / decrease value by 100
Alt+Arrow Up/Arrow DownIncrease / decrease value by 100
9.4 Sources Panel  
F8, Ctrl+\Pause / resume script execution
F8, Ctrl+\Pause / resume script execution
F10, Ctrl+’Step over next function call
F11, Ctrl+;Step into next function call
Shift+F11, Ctrl+Shift+;Step out of current function
Ctrl+./,Select next/select previous call frame
Left-click on line-numberToggle breakpoint condition
Right-click on line numberEdit breakpoint condition
Alt+DeleteDelete individual words
Ctrl+/Comment a line or selected text
Ctrl+SSave changes to local modifications
Ctrl+Alt+SSave all changes
Ctrl+GGo to line
Ctrl+OSearch by filename
Ctrl+P+numberJump to line number
Ctrl+O+number +numberJump to column
Ctrl+Shift+OGo to member
Alt+WClose active tab
Ctrl+EnterRun snippet
9.5 Code Editor 
Ctrl+MGo to matching bracket
Ctrl+P+numberJump to line number
Ctrl+O+number +numberJump to column
Ctrl+/Toggle comment
Ctrl+DSelect next occurrence
Ctrl+UUndo last selection
9.6 Timeline Panel  
Ctrl+EStart / stop recording
Ctrl+SSave timeline data
Ctrl+OOpen / Load timeline data
9.7 Profiles Panel
Ctrl+EStart / stop recording
9.8 Console Panel
Arrow RightAccept Suggestion
Arrow Up/Arrow DownPrevious / next command (line)
Ctrl+`Focus the Console
Ctrl+LClear Console
Shift+EnterMulti-line entry

Related Articles:

  Keyboard Shortcuts for Google Drive

Well, there you have it, Google Chrome shortcuts list. You might not have known about these shortcuts. If I’ve left important something out in this list, feedback is appreciated and welcome on the Make A Public List.

Feel free to comment below.

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