Keyboard shortcuts for the IntelliJ Debug

Are you finding the Keyboard shortcuts for the IntelliJ Debug? Intellij Debug provides shortcuts to help you quickly work on documents. Here is the list of all shortcuts that you can use in IntelliJ Debug. This post will help you to check and make your Intellij Debug work faster with Most Used. 

Productivity Keyboard shortcuts for Intellij Debug

Keyboard Shortcuts (Windows)Menu Description
Ctrl+NTo quickly open any class.
Ctrl+Shift+NTo quickly open any file.
Ctrl+Shift+F12Toggle tools (maximize/minimize code window).
Ctrl+SpaceCode completion.
Alt+F7To find all places where a particular class, method, or variable is used in the whole project by positioning the caret at the symbol’s name or at its usage in code.
Crtl+PTo quickly see the documentation for the class or method used at the editor’s caret.


Keyboard Shortcuts (Windows)Menu Description
Ctrl+SpaceBasic code completion (the name of any class, method or variable)
Ctrl+Shift+SpaceSmart code completion (filters the list of methods and variables by expected type)
Ctrl+Shift+EnterComplete statement
Ctrl+PParameter info (within method call arguments)
Ctrl+QQuick documentation lookup
Shift+F1External Doc
Ctrl+ mouse over codeBrief Info
Ctrl+F1Show descriptions of error or warning at caret
Alt+InsertGenerate code… (Getters, Setters, Constructors, hashCode/equals, toString)
Ctrl+OOverride methods
Ctrl+IImplement methods
Ctrl+Alt+TSurround with… (if..else, try..catch, for, synchronized, etc.)
Ctrl+/Comment/uncomment with line comment
Ctrl+Shift+/Comment/uncomment with block comment
Ctrl+WSelect successively increasing code blocks
Ctrl+Shift+WDecrease current selection to the previous state
Alt+QContext info
Alt+EnterShow intention actions and quick-fixes
Ctrl+Alt+LReformat code
Ctrl+Alt+OOptimize imports
Ctrl+Alt+IAuto-indent line(s)
Tab/Shift+TabIndent/unindent selected lines
Ctrl+X/Shift+DeleteCut current line or selected block to clipboard
Ctrl+C/Ctrl+InsertCopy current line or selected block to clipboard
Ctrl+V/Shift+InsertPaste from clipboard
Ctrl+Shift+VPaste from recent buffers…
Ctrl+DDuplicate current line or selected block
Ctrl+YDelete line at caret
Ctrl+Shift+JSmart line join
Ctrl+EnterSmart line split
Shift+EnterStart new line
Ctrl+Shift+UToggle case for word at caret or selected block
Ctrl+Shift+]/[Select till code block end/start
Ctrl+DeleteDelete to word end
Ctrl+BackspaceDelete to word start
Ctrl+ NumPad plus/-Expand/collapse code block
Ctrl+Shift+ NumPad plus/-Expand all / collapse all
Ctrl+F4Close active editor tab
Alt+F7/Ctrl+F7Find usages / Find usages in file
Ctrl+Shift+F7Highlight usages in file
Ctrl+Alt+F7Show usages
Alt+DeleteSafe Delete
Ctrl+F6Change Signature
Ctrl+Alt+MExtract Method
Ctrl+Alt+VExtract Variable
Ctrl+Alt+FExtract Field
Ctrl+Alt+CExtract Constant
Ctrl+Alt+PExtract Parameter

Search/Replace Keyboard shortcuts for Intellij Debug

Keyboard Shortcuts (Windows)Menu Description
Double ShiftSearch everywhere
F3/Shift+F3Find next / Find previous
Ctrl+Shift+FFind in path
Ctrl+Shift+RReplace in path

Compile and Run Keyboard shortcuts for Intellij Debug

Keyboard Shortcuts (Windows)Menu Description
Ctrl+F9Make project (compile modified and dependent)
Ctrl+Shift+F9Compile selected file, package, or module
Alt+Shift+F10Select configuration and run
Alt+Shift+F9Select configuration and debug
Ctrl+Shift+F10Run context configuration from an editor

Debugging Keyboard shortcuts for Intellij Debug

Keyboard Shortcuts (Windows)Menu Description
Ctrl+KCommit project to VCS
Ctrl+TUpdate project from VCS
Alt+Shift+CView recent changes
Alt+`‘VCS’ quick popup
F8Step over
F7Step into
Shift+F7Smart step into
Shift+F8Step out
Alt+F9Run to cursor
Alt+F8Evaluate expression
F9Resume program
Ctrl+F8Toggle breakpoint
Ctrl+Shift+F8View breakpoints

Live Templates Keyboard shortcuts for Intellij Debug

Keyboard Shortcuts (Windows)Menu Description
Ctrl+Alt+JSurround with Live Template
Ctrl+JInsert Live Template
Ctrl+J – iterIteration according to Java SDK 1.5 style
Ctrl+J – instCheck object type with instanceof and downcast it
Ctrl+J – itcoIterate Collection / Iterate elements of java.util.Collection
Ctrl+J – ititIterate Iterator / IIterate elements of java. util.Iterator
Ctrl+J – itliIterate List / Iterate elements of java.util.List
Ctrl+J – psfPublic static final
Ctrl+J – thrthrow new

Navigation Keyboard shortcuts for Intellij Debug

Keyboard Shortcuts (Windows)Menu Description
Ctrl+NGo to class
Ctrl+Shift+NGo to file
Ctrl+Alt+Shift+NGo to symbol
Alt+ Right/LeftGo to the next/previous editor tab
F12Go back to the previous tool window
EscGo to editor (from tool window)
Shift+EscHide active or last active window
Ctrl+Shift+F4Close active run/messages/find/… tab
Ctrl+GGo to line
Ctrl+ERecent files popup
Ctrl+Alt+Arrow Left/Arrow RightNavigate backward / navigate forward
Ctrl+Shift+BackspaceNavigate to the last edit location
Alt+F1Select current file or symbol in any view
Ctrl+B/Ctrl+ ClickGo to declaration
Ctrl+Alt+BGo to implementation(s)
Ctrl+Shift+IOpen quick definition lookup
Ctrl+Shift+BGo to the type declaration
Ctrl+UGo to super-method/super-class
Alt+Arrow Up/Arrow DownGo to the previous/next method
Ctrl+]/[Move to code block end/move to code start
Ctrl+F12File structure popup
Ctrl+HType hierarchy
Ctrl+Shift+HMethod hierarchy
Ctrl+Alt+HCall hierarchy
F2/Shift+F2Next/previous highlighted error
F4/Ctrl+EnterEdit source / View source
Alt+HomeShow navigation bar
F11Toggle bookmark
Ctrl+F11Toggle bookmark with mnemonic
Ctrl+0…9Go to numbered bookmark
Shift+F11Show bookmarks

General Keyboard shortcuts for Intellij Debug

Keyboard Shortcuts (Windows)Menu Description
Alt+0…9The open corresponding tool window
Ctrl+SSave all
Ctrl+Shift+F12Toggle maximizing editor
Alt+Shift+FAdd to Favorites
Alt+Shift+IInspect current file with the current profile
Ctrl+`Quick switch current scheme
Ctrl+Alt+SOpen Settings dialog
Ctrl+Alt+Shift+SOpen Project Structure dialog
Ctrl+Shift+AFind Action
Ctrl+TabSwitch between tabs and tool window
Ctrl+Shift+Alt+InsertCreate a new scratch file

Multiple Selection Keyboard shortcuts for Intellij Debug

Keyboard Shortcuts (Windows)Menu Description
Alt+Shift+Mouse ClickAdd/remove a selection
Alt+JSelect the next occurrence
Shift+Alt+JUnselect the next occurrence
Shift+Ctrl+Alt+JSelect all occurrences
EscRemove all selections

Related Articles:

  Keyboard Shortcuts for JetBrains PyCharm

Well, there you have it, Intellij Debug shortcuts list. You might not have known about these shortcuts. If I’ve left important something out in this list, feedback is appreciated and welcome on the Make A Public List.

Feel free to comment below.

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