Keyboard Shortcuts in Evernote for Windows

Are you finding the Keyboard shortcuts in Evernote for Windows? Evernote provides shortcuts to help you quickly work on documents. Here is the list of all shortcuts that you can use. This post will help you to check and make your work faster with the most used.


  Keyboard Shortcuts (Windows) Menu Description
New versionOlder versions
Alt + Ctrl + HNot availableOpen Evernote Helper
Ctrl + Alt + NCtrl + Alt + NNew note window
Win + Shift + FWin + Shift + FSearch in Evernote
Alt + Ctrl + SWin + PrintScreenCapture screen
Not availableWin + ACopy selection
Ctrl + Alt + VCtrl + Alt + VPaste to Evernote


  Keyboard Shortcuts (Windows) Menu Description
New versionOlder versions
Ctrl + NCtrl + NNew Note
Not availableCtrl + Alt + CNew Chat
Ctrl + +Not availableZoom in
Ctrl + –Not availableZoom out
Ctrl + 0Not availableReset zoom
F11Not availableFull screen
Ctrl + MNot availableMinimize
Ctrl + QNot availableQuickly switch to note, notebook, tag, or search
Ctrl + Alt + FCtrl + Alt + FJump to search bar
Not availableCtrl + Shift + NJump to notebook
Ctrl + Shift + MNot availableMove note to notebook
Ctrl + Alt + 1Not availableShow All Notes list
Ctrl + Alt + 2Not availableShow Notebooks list
Ctrl + Alt + 3Not availableShow Tags list
Ctrl + 1-9Not availableJump to shortcuts 1-9
Ctrl + Alt + \Not availableSet focus to note list
Ctrl + [Not availableMove back
Ctrl + ]Not availableMove forward
Ctrl + PCtrl + PPrint
Not availableCtrl + Shift + PPrint Preview
Not availableCtrl + Alt + ASwitch to another user
F10F10Show/Hide Navigation Menu
Not availableF11Show/Hide Note List
Not availableCtrl + F11Show/Hide Note View
Not availableCtrl + Shift + TShow/Hide Tags View
Not availableCtrl + QQuick Search
Not availableCtrl + F5Snippet View
Not availableCtrl + F6Card View
Not availableCtrl + F7Top List View
Not availableCtrl + F8Side List View
Not availableCtrl + F9Thumbnail View
Not availableShift + Alt + NSearch notebook
Not availableShift + Alt + TSearch Tags
Not availableCtrl + F10Show Search Explanation
Not availableAlt + F4Close separate windows / Minimize main window to tray
Not availableF9Sync
Not availableF1Online Help
F2F2Rename selected notebook, note, tag, or saved search
F3F3Set focus to the tag field of the active note
Not availableF5Cycle through note list views (Snippet, Card, Top List, Side List, Thumbnail)
Ctrl + Shift + ICtrl + Shift + IDisplay note info
Ctrl + HNot availableHide Evernote
Ctrl + QNot availableQuit Evernote

Note Editor

  Keyboard Shortcuts (Windows) Menu Description
New versionOlder versions
Ctrl + ZCtrl + ZUndo
Ctrl + YCtrl + YRedo
Ctrl + XCtrl + XCut
Ctrl + CCtrl + CCopy
Ctrl + VCtrl + VPaste
Ctrl + Shift + VCtrl + Shift + VPaste and match style
Ctrl + ACtrl + ASelect All
Not availableF6Search Notes
Not availableCtrl + Shift + AReset Search
Ctrl + FCtrl + FFind Within Note
Ctrl + GCtrl + GFind Next
Ctrl + Shift + GCtrl + Shift + GFind Previous
Ctrl + HCtrl + HReplace Within Note
Not availableF7Check Spelling
Not availableCtrl + EnterOpen in a New Window
Not availableCtrl + Alt + EnterPresent
Not availableCtrl + Shift + EnterPresent on Another Screen
Not availableCtrl + Alt + TTag
Not availableCtrl + Shift + EEmail note
Not availableCtrl + DFont
Ctrl + LCtrl + LAlign Left
Ctrl + ECtrl + EAlign Center
Ctrl + JCtrl + JAlign Right
Ctrl + QCtrl + RJustify
Ctrl + MCtrl + MIncrease Indentation
Ctrl + Shift + MCtrl + Shift + MDecrease Indentation
Ctrl + Shift + .Ctrl + Shift + .Increase Font Size
Ctrl + Shift + ,Ctrl + Shift + ,Decrease Font Size
Ctrl + Shift + Up arrowCtrl + Shift + Up arrowMake selected text superscript
Ctrl + Shift + Down arrowCtrl + Shift + Down arrowMake selected text subscript
Ctrl + Shift + BCtrl + Shift + BBulleted List
Ctrl + Shift + OCtrl + Shift + ONumbered List
Ctrl + Shift + CNot availableChecklist
Ctrl + BCtrl + BBold
Ctrl + ICtrl + IItalic
Ctrl + UCtrl + UUnderline
Ctrl + TCtrl + TStrikethrough
Ctrl + Shift + HCtrl + Shift + HHighlight
Ctrl + Shift + –Ctrl + Shift + –Insert Divider
Not availableCtrl + Shift + CInsert Checkbox
Ctrl + KCtrl + KAdd Hyperlink
Ctrl + KCtrl + KEdit Hyperlink
Ctrl + Shift + KCtrl + Shift + KRemove Hyperlink
Ctrl + Shift + XCtrl + Shift + XEncrypt Selected Text
Ctrl + SpaceCtrl + SpaceSimplify Formatting
Not availableCtrl + Shift + SpaceRemove Formatting
Alt + Shift + DAlt + Shift + DInsert date
Ctrl + Shift + DCtrl + Shift + DInsert time
Tab at end of tableTab at end of tableInsert row below

Note List

  Keyboard Shortcuts (Windows) Menu Description
New versionOlder versions
Not availableAlt + F1Search Notebooks
Not availableAlt + F2Search Tags
Not availableAlt + F3Search Saved Searches
Up arrowUp arrowGo to to previous note
Down arrowDown arrowGo to next note
Page UpPage UpScroll note list up one page
Page DownPage DownScroll note list down one page
Not availableHomeGo to the first note in list
Not availableEndGo to the last note in list
Ctrl + DeleteCtrl + DeleteMove to Trash
Not availableCtrl + EnterOpen the selected note in a separate window
Ctrl + WAlt + F4Close active note window
EnterEnterSet focus in the note editor of the selected note
Ctrl + Alt + LCtrl + Alt + LCopy internal link to the clipboard

Navigation menu

  Keyboard Shortcuts (Windows) Menu Description
New versionOlder versions
Not availableUp arrowMove to the previous item in the section (notebooks, tags, …)
Not availableDown arrowMove to the next item in the section (notebooks, tags, …)
Not availableRight arrowView the list of sub-items under the selected item (if applicable)
Not availableLeft arrowCollapse the list of sub-items under the selected item (if applicable)
Not availableDeleteDelete selected item

Related Articles:

  Keyboard Shortcuts for Bitbucket

Well, there you have it, Evernote shortcuts list. You might not have known about these shortcuts. If I’ve left important something out in this list, feedback is appreciated and welcome on the Make A Public List.

Feel free to comment below.

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