Synfig keyboard shortcuts

Learning these shortcuts can save you a lot of time in the long run. Are you searching the Synfig Keyboard Shortcuts?

If you’re interested in Synfig Keyboard Shortcuts this is the right place for you. There are many keyboard shortcuts that can save you time and energy when you are working on Synfig.

Ctrl+ASelect all Handles
Ctrl+Shift+ASelect all Layers
Ctrl+CCopy currently selected layer(s) and put them in the clipboard
Ctrl+DDeselect all Handles
Ctrl+Shift+DDeselect all layers
Ctrl+GToggle Grid show
Ctrl+IImport file (synfig project, image, image sequence, sound, video)
Ctrl+LToggle grid snap
Ctrl+NNew composition
Ctrl+OOpen composition
Alt+OToggle Onion Skin
Ctrl+PPlay the current animation in the WorkArea
Ctrl+QQuit Synfig Studio
Ctrl+VPaste the layer(s) from the clipboard above the currently selected layer
Ctrl+WCloses the current animation document.
Ctrl+XCut currently selected layer(s) and put them in the clipboard
Ctrl+`Toggle low/high-resolution (defaults to low resolution)
Ctrl+0…9Change the current rendering quality (lower is better, but 0==10)
Alt+1Toggle display of “Position” Handles
Alt+2Toggle display of “Vertex” Handles
Alt+3Toggle display of “Tangent” Handles
Alt+4Toggle display of “Radius” Handles
Alt+5Toggle display of “Width” Handles
Alt+6Toggle display of “Angle” Handles
Ctrl+Zoom out of Canvas (spacial zoom)
Ctrl+=Zoom in on Canvas (spacial zoom)
Ctrl+Shift+ZZoom canvas to 100% (spacial zoom)
Ctrl+_Zoom out of timeline (temporal zoom)
Ctrl++Zoom in on timeline (temporal zoom)
Ctrl+,Move backward one frame
Ctrl+.Move forward one frame
Ctrl+<Move backward one second
Ctrl+>Move forward one second
Ctrl+[Move backward to previous Keyframe
Ctrl+]Move forward to next Keyframe
HomeJump to beginning of timeline
EndJump to end of timeline
Ctrl+(Decrease workarea pixel size
Ctrl+)Increase workarea pixel size
Ctrl+Alt+(Decrease Amount of selected layer
Ctrl+Alt+)Increase Amount of selected layer
Shift+PgUpRaise currently selected layers
Shift+PgDnLower currently selected layers
Alt+ASelect Transform Tool
Alt+VSelect Smooth Move Tool
Alt+SSelect Scale Tool
Alt+TSelect Rotate Tool
Alt+MSelect Mirror Tool
Alt+CSelect Circle Tool
Alt+RSelect Rectangle Tool
Alt+QSelect Star Tool
Alt+GSelect Gradient Tool
Alt+PSelect Polygon Tool
Alt+BSelect Spline Tool
Alt+XSelect Text Tool
Alt+FSelect Fill Tool
Alt+ESelect Eyedrop Tool
Alt+ZSelect Zoom Tool
Alt+DSelect Draw Tool
Alt+KSelect Sketch Tool
Alt+WSelect Width Tool
F8Canvas Properties
F12Canvas Options (Grid size, etc.)
EscDeselect the last Tool and select Transform Tool, if you don’t have done something with it the focus will stay in Toolbox. CAREFUL, with Polygon Tool and Spline Tool in use, Cancel the current process, and so the current draw, but stay with the selected tool.
Ctrl+DeleteDeletes the currently selected Canvas.
Cursor keyNudge the currently selected Handle(s) one pixel in the given direction
Shift+Cursor keyNudge the currently selected Handle(s) ten pixels in the given direction
BackspaceSelect the immediate parent Group Layer of the current Selected Layer
  Windows Movie Maker keyboard shortcuts

Using This Synfig Keyboard Shortcuts can help you be more productive.

So next time you’re sitting at your computer, take a few minutes to learn some of these essential keyboard shortcuts – your future self will thank you!

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