TopSolid keyboard shortcuts

Learning these shortcuts can save you a lot of time in the long run. Are you searching for the TopSolid Keyboard Shortcuts?

If you’re interested in TopSolid Keyboard Shortcuts this is the right place for you. There are many keyboard shortcuts that can save you time and energy when you are working on TopSolid.

Operation Manager

F2Comment Edition
F3Operation Search
F4Link edition
Ctrl+LShow Layers Dialog Box
Ctrl+IDisplay Information On Selected Operation
Ctrl+DDisplay Database Structure On Selected Operation
Ctrl+XCut Selected Operations
Ctrl+VPaste Selected Operation



SpecebarStop or Start a Simulation
/Jump to The Next Move
ZJump to The Next New Z Point
+Increase The Simulation Speed
Reduce The Simulation Speed
EscLeft The Simulation
TabJump to The Simulation of The Next Operation



Left ArrowGo Back to The Initial State
SpacebarStop or Start a Verification
/Next Cut
TShow The Tool Path
SChange The Tool Path Display
ADisplay The Current WCS
ZZoom on An Area of The Part
PExecute An Hardcopy
+Increase The Verification Speed
Increase The Verification Speed


Part Clamping

+Rotate The Selected Clamp In The Counter Clockwise Direction
Rotate The Selected Clamp In The Clockwise Direction
FOpan The Face Selection Where to Put The Clamp
XLock/Umlock X Axis for Clamp Positioning
YLock/Umlock Y Axis for Clamp Positioning
ZLock/Umlock Z Axis for Clamp Positioning
F1On-Line Help
F2Information on Selected Element
F5&LmbAxial Rotation Along X
F6&LmbAxial Rotation Along Y
F7&LmbAxial Rotation Along Z
F8&LmbGraphical Section
F9&LmbSpherical Rotation
F11Recorganize The Floating Icon Bars
F12Display/Hide The Floating Icon Bars
Ctrl+ZUndo Step By Step
EscExit of The Current Function
Ctrl+ACancel All Actions of The Current Function
Ctrl+OOpen/Close Symbolic Tree
Ctrl+1Fit Screen Zoom
Ctrl+TabToggle Between Open TopSolid Documents
Ctrl+LmbSpherical Rotation
  VSCode keyboard shortcuts

Using These TopSolid Keyboard Shortcuts can help you be more productive.

So next time you’re sitting at your computer, take a few minutes to learn some of these essential keyboard shortcuts – your future self will thank you!

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