Tupi keyboard shortcuts

Learning these shortcuts can save you a lot of time in the long run. Are you searching for the Tupi Keyboard Shortcuts?

If you’re interested in Tupi Keyboard Shortcuts this is the right place for you. There are many keyboard shortcuts that can save you time and energy when you are working on Tupi.

General Shortcuts

Ctrl+NStart New project
Ctrl+OOpen existing project
Ctrl+SSave current project
Ctrl+WClose current project
Ctrl+POpen Preferences dialog
Shift+GImport Gimp palette
Ctrl+1Go to Animation module
Ctrl+2Go to Player module
Ctrl+3Go to News module
Alt+BInsert Image
Alt+SInsert SVG File
Alt+Shift+BInsert Bitmap sequence
Alt+Shift+SInsert SVG sequence
Ctrl+TShow Tip of the day
Ctrl+KShow “About” dialog
Ctrl+QExit Tupi
EnterSwitch between Animation Module and Player Module


Animation Module

Shift+POpen/Close Color Palette
Shift+BOpen/Close Brush properties
Shift+LOpen/Close Object Library
Shift+TOpen/Close Timeline
Shift+EOpen/Close Table of Exposure
Shift+Left ClickChange brush size
F1Open/Close help manual
Shift+WPosition tween
Shift+RRotation tween
Shift+SScale tween
Shift+HShear tween
Shift+OOpacity tween
NNode selection
OObject selection
IInternal color fill
BContour color fill
Ctrl+CCopy object
Ctrl+VPaste object
Ctrl+XCut object
DelDelete object
UOnion Skin
GShow/Hide Grid
F11Show/Hide full-screen mode
Ctrl+AltRotate workspace
Page UpGo to previous frame
Page DownGo to next frame
Ctrl+Page DownExtend current frame
Ctrl+Page UpDelete current frame
  Tinkercad keyboard shortcuts


Exposure table

F5Add new layer
F6Delete layer
9Add new frame
F8Move frame backward
F9Move frame forward


Player Module

SpacebarPlay/Stop animation
Left ArrowPlay frame by frame backward
Right ArrowPlay frame by frame forward

Using These Tupi Keyboard Shortcuts can help you be more productive.

So next time you’re sitting at your computer, take a few minutes to learn some of these essential keyboard shortcuts – your future self will thank you!

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