Windows 10 Command Prompt keyboard shortcuts

Learning these shortcuts can save you a lot of time in the long run. Are you searching the Windows 10 Command Prompt Keyboard Shortcuts?

If you’re interested in Windows 10 Command Prompt Keyboard Shortcuts this is the right place for you. There are many keyboard shortcuts that can save you time and energy when you are working on Windows 10 Command Prompt.

Win+R, then type ‘cmd’Run Windows Command Promt
Win+X, then CStart Command Prompt via Power User Commands
Win+X, then AStart Command Prompt as Administrator via Power User Commands
type ‘exit’Exit Command Prompt
Alt+Enter or F11Switch to full-screen mode. Press again to exit full-screen mode


Select Text (Expanded with Windows 10)

Ctrl+ASelect all text in line (press again to select all text in CMD including complete screen buffer)
Shift+Arrow Left / Arrow RightExtend selection by on character to the left / to the right
Shift+Control+Arrow Left / Arrow RightExtend selection by on word to the left / to the right
Shift+Arrow Up / Shift+Arrow DownExtend selection by one line down / one line up
Shift+HomeExtend selection to beginning of command. Press again to include the path (e.g. C:\Windows) into selection
Shift+EndExtend selection to the end of the current line
Ctrl+Shift+Home / EndExtend selection to the beginning/ to the end of screen buffer
Shift+Page Up / Shift+Page DownExtend selection one page up one page down
  Virtual DJ keyboard shortcuts


Copy and Paste (Expanded with Windows 10)

Ctrl+CCopy Text
Ctrl+V or Right ClickPaste Text

As of now, there seems to be no ‘cut’ option in Windows 10


Navigate Text

Home / EndJump to beginning, jump to end of the line
Ctrl+Arrow Left / Arrow RightJump to next / jump to previous Word
Ctrl+Arrow Up / Arrow DownScroll screen up / down one line
Turn scroll wheel up / downScroll up / down 3 lines
Shift+Turn scroll wheel up / downScroll up / down half a page
Middle ClickStart scroll mode
Move mouse up / down in scroll modeScroll up / down
Click or Middle Click or Right Click or any arrow key or Shift or Ctrl or Page Up or Page Down or Home or End or Ins or Del or any function key except F10Stop scroll mode


Enter and Manipulate Text

Ctrl+BackspaceDelete word left to the Cursor
F2, then azFrom current cursor position , delete up to letter selected
TabAutocomplete Folder or File Name
EscapeClear current line
InsToggle Insert Mode
Ctrl+EndDelete from cursor position to end of line
Ctrl+HomeDelete from cursor position to beginning of line
Ctrl+ZSignal end of Line; text afterwards will be ignored


Using This Windows 10 Command Prompt Keyboard Shortcuts can help you be more productive.Keyboard Shortcuts

So next time you’re sitting at your computer, take a few minutes to learn some of these essential keyboard shortcuts – your future self will thank you!

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