Windows Movie Maker keyboard shortcuts

Learning these shortcuts can save you a lot of time in the long run. Are you searching the Windows Movie Maker Keyboard Shortcuts?

If you’re interested in Windows Movie Maker Keyboard Shortcuts this is the right place for you. There are many keyboard shortcuts that can save you time and energy when you are working on Windows Movie Maker.

On timeline

F12Save a project with a new name
Ctrl+PPublish a movie
Ctrl+ASelect all clips
F2Rename a collection or clip
Ctrl+DeleteClear the timeline
Ctrl+TSwitch between the storyboard and the timeline
Page downZoom in on the timeline
Page UpZoom out on the timeline
F9Zoom the timeline to fit on the screen
+Expand the Video track when it is selected in the timeline
Collapse the Video track when it is selected in the timeline
Ctrl+DAdd selected clips to the storyboard/timeline
Alt+EnterPlay video in full screen
NCombine contiguous clips
Ctrl+Shift+BNudges clip to the left
Ctrl+Shift+NNudges clip to the right
KPlay or pause clip
Ctrl+KStop playback on the storyboard/timeline
Ctrl+WPlay content on the storyboard/timeline
Ctrl+QRewind and go to the beginning of the storyboard/timeline
Ctrl+Alt+Left arrowBack
Ctrl+Alt+Right arrowForward
JPrevious frame
LNext frame
F1Display help topics
Left arrowSelect previous item (on a timeline track, on the storyboard, or in the Contents pane)
Right arrowSelect next item
Up arrowSelect item above (on a timeline track or in the Contents pane)
Down ArrowSelect item below
  Visual Studio keyboard shortcuts



Ctrl+IImport an existing digital media file
Ctrl+RImport video from a digital video camera



Alt+Shift+Up arrow/ Down arrowSelect clip trim handle
Alt+Shift+Left arrowTrim clip edge left
Alt+Shift+Right arrowTrim clip edge right
MSplit a clip
UClear trim points
ISet start trim point
OSet end trim point



EndGo to the last item
HomeGo to the first item



Ctrl+OOpen an existing project
Ctrl+SSave a project
Ctrl+NCreate a new project
Ctrl+ZUndo the last action
Ctrl+YRedo the last action

Using This Windows Movie Maker Keyboard Shortcuts can help you be more productive.Keyboard Shortcuts

So next time you’re sitting at your computer, take a few minutes to learn some of these essential keyboard shortcuts – your future self will thank you!

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