Zoho Sheet keyboard shortcuts

Learning these shortcuts can save you a lot of time in the long run. Are you searching for the Zoho Sheet Keyboard Shortcuts?

If you’re interested in Zoho Sheet Keyboard Shortcuts this is the right place for you. There are many keyboard shortcuts that can save you time and energy when you are working on Zoho Sheet.

Ctrl+N( not supported in chrome and safari )New File
Ctrl+OOpen file
Ctrl+Shift+SSave As File
Ctrl+PPrint File



Ctrl+ZUndo last action
Ctrl+YRedo last action
F4 (or) Ctrl+(or) Alt+EnterRepeat last action
Ctrl+Shift+ LFilter
Ctrl+RFill to The Right
Ctrl+DFill Down
Shift+F2Add / Edit cell note
Ctrl+KAdd / Edit Hyperlink
Alt +F11Open VBA Editor
Alt+F8Run Macros / View Macros List
Shift+F11Insert a new worksheet
Ctrl+Shift+PlusInsert Columns
Ctrl+Alt+PlusInsert Rows
Ctrl+Shift+ 1Format Cells
Ctrl+or F3Find within spreadsheet
Ctrl+F3Names Ranges
Ctrl+Shift+QToggle Auto Completion On / Off
Alt+Arrow DownDisplay the auto suggest list (Pick from List)
Ctrl+Shift+ ;Insert the current time in cell
Ctrl+;Insert the current date in cell




Ctrl+B (or) Ctrl+Shift+2Bold toggle for selection
Ctrl+I (or) Ctrl+Shift+ 3Italic toggle for selection
Ctrl+Shift+5Strikethrough toggle for selection
Ctrl+U (or) Ctrl+Shift+4Underline toggle for selection



Ctrl+Arrow DownData Region Down
Ctrl+Arrow UpData Region Up
Ctrl+Shift+NFocus Name Box
Alt+Arrow RightMove to next worksheet in a spreadsheet
Alt +Arrow LeftMove to previous worksheet in a spreadsheet
Ctrl+ GGo to cell command
Ctrl+EndGo to last cell in data region
Ctrl+HomeGo to first cell in data region
Page DownDown one screen
Page UpUp one screen
TabMove to next cell in row
Shift+TabMove to previous cell in row
Ctrl+Arrow LeftCtrl+Arrow RightSelect Data Region to the Left / to the Right


Shortcuts for Objects (Images,charts,buttons etc)

TabNavigate to the next object
Shift+TabNavigate to the previous object
F2Edit mode
EscReturn the focus to the active cell
EscCancel dragging the object
Ctrl +ClickSelect/Focus the object
Arrow KeysMove the selected object in the desired direction
Ctrl+Arrow KeysSnap the the object’s left/top with the adjacent cell
Ctrl+Shift+Arrow KeysSnap the the object’s right/bottom with the adjacent cell


Ctrl+Shift+Arrow Left/Ctrl+ShiftArrow RightSelect Data Region to the Left/ to the Right
Ctrl+Shift+Arrow Up/Ctrl+Shift+Arrow DownSelect Data Region Up/down
Ctrl+Shift+HomeSelect from current cell to the first cell A1
Ctrl+Shift+EndSelect from current cell to the last cell in the data region
Shift+HomeSelect from current cell to the first cell in the same row
Shift+EndSelect from current cell to the last cell in the same row
Ctrl +ASelect whole spreadsheet
Ctrl+SpaceSelect column
Shift+SpaceSelect row
  QQ Player keyboard shortcuts

Formula related shortcuts

Ctrl+Shift+UToggle Expand and Collapse of Formula Bar
Ctrl+Shift+EnterInsert Array Formula on a range of cells
Ctrl+/Select the range of array formula cells surrounding a cell
=Start a formula
F9Recalculate Formulas
F4Toggle absolute and relative references
Alt+ =Auto Sum
Shift+F3Show Function Dialog Box

Using This Zoho Sheet Keyboard Shortcuts can help you be more productive.Keyboard Shortcuts

So next time you’re sitting at your computer, take a few minutes to learn some of these essential keyboard shortcuts – your future self will thank you!

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