Keyboard shortcuts for Figma

Are you finding the Keyboard shortcuts for Figma? Figma provides shortcuts to help you quickly work on documents. Here is the list of all shortcuts that you can use in Figma. This post will help you to check and make your Figma work faster with Most Used.

Essential shortcuts for Figma

Menu DescriptionKeyboard Shortcuts (Windows)
Show/Hide UIctrl + \
Pick Colori
Searchctrl + /

Tools shortcuts for Figma

Menu DescriptionKeyboard Shortcuts (Windows)
Move Toolv
Frame Toolf
Pen Toolp
Pencil Toolshift + p
Text Toolt
Rectangle Toolr
Ellipse Toolo
Line Tooll
Arrow Toolshift + l
Add/Show Commentsc
Slice Tools

View shortcuts for Figma

Menu DescriptionKeyboard Shortcuts (Windows)
Multiplayer Cursorsctrl + alt + \
Rulersshift + r
Outlinesctrl + shift + 3
Pixel Previewctrl + alt + y
Layout Gridsctrl + shift + 4
Pixel Gridctrl + ‘
Open Layers Panelalt + 1
Open Assets Panelalt + 2
Open Design Panelalt + 8
Open Prototype Panelalt + 9
Open Code Panelalt + 0

Zoom shortcuts for Figma

Menu DescriptionKeyboard Shortcuts (Windows)
Panspace + drag
Zoom Inplus or =
Zoom Out
Zoom to 100%shift + 0
Zoom to Fitshift + 1
Zoom to Selectionshift + 2
Zoom to Previous Frameshift + n
Zoom to Next Framen
Previous Pagepageup
Next Pagepagedown
Find Previous Framehome
Find Next Frameend

Text shortcuts for Figma

Menu DescriptionKeyboard Shortcuts (Windows)
Boldctrl + b
Italicctrl + i
Underlinectrl + u
Paste Match Stylectrl + shift + v
Create Linkctrl + k
Text Align Leftctrl + alt + l
Text Align Centerctrl + alt + t
Text Align Rightctrl + alt + r
Text Align Justifiedctrl + alt + j
Adjust Font Sizectrl + shift + < or ctrl + shift + >
Adjust Font Weightctrl + alt + < or ctrl + alt + >
Adjust Letter Spacingalt + < or alt + >
Adjust Line Heightalt + shift + < or alt + shift + >

Shape shortcuts for Figma

Menu DescriptionKeyboard Shortcuts (Windows)
Pencilshift + p
Paint Bucket (While editing a shape)b
Bend Tooln/a
Remove Fillalt + /
Remove Stroke/
Swap Fill Strokeshift + x
Outline Strokectrl + shift + o
Flatten Selectionctrl + e
Join Selection (After selecting points)ctrl + j
Smooth Join Selection (After selecting points) 
Delete Heal Selection (After selecting points)shift + backspace

Selection shortcuts for Figma

Menu DescriptionKeyboard Shortcuts (Windows)
Select Allctrl + a
Select Inversectrl + shift + a
Select Noneesc
Deep Selectctrl + click
Select Layer Menuctrl + right-click
Select Childenter
Select Parentsshift + enter
Select Next Siblingtab
Select Previous Siblingshift + tab
Group Selectionctrl + g
Ungroup Selectionctrl + shift + g
Frame Selectionctrl + alt + g
Show/Hide Selectionctrl + shift + h
Lock/Unlock Selectionctrl + shift + l

Cursor shortcuts for Figma

Menu DescriptionKeyboard Shortcuts (Windows)
Measure to Selection (While pointing…)alt
Duplicate Selection (While moving)alt
Deep Selectctrl + click
Select Layer Menuctrl + right-click
Deep Select Within Rectanglectrl + drag

While resizing shortcuts for Figma

Menu DescriptionKeyboard Shortcuts (Windows)
Resize from Centeralt
Resize Proportionallyshift
Move While Resizingspace
Ignore Constraints (Frames Only)ctrl

Edit shortcuts for Figma

Menu DescriptionKeyboard Shortcuts (Windows)
Copyctrl + c
Cutctrl + x
Pastectrl + v
Paste Over Selectionctrl + shift + v
Duplicatectrl + d
Rename Selectionctrl + r
Exportctrl + shift + e
Copy Propertiesctrl + alt + c
Paste Propertiesctrl + alt + v

Transform shortcuts for Figma

Menu DescriptionKeyboard Shortcuts (Windows)
Flip Horizontalshift + h
Flip Verticalshift + v
Use as Maskctrl + alt + m
Edit Shape or Imageenter
Place Imagectrl + shift + k
Crop Imagealt + dbl-click
Set Opacity to 10%1
Set Opacity to 50%5
Set Opacity to 100%0

Arrange shortcuts for Figma

Menu DescriptionKeyboard Shortcuts (Windows)
Bring Forwardctrl + ]
Send Backwardctrl + [
Bring to Frontctrl + shift + ]
Send to Backctrl + shift + [
Align Left/Rightalt + a  d
Align Top/Bottomalt + w  s
Align Centersalt + h  v
Distribute Spacingctrl + alt + shift + h  v
Tidy Upctrl + alt + shift + t
Add Auto Layoutshift + a
Remove Auto Layoutalt + shift + a

Components shortcuts for Figma

Menu DescriptionKeyboard Shortcuts (Windows)
Show Assetsalt + 2
Team Libraryctrl + alt + o
Create Componentctrl + alt + k
Detach Instancectrl + alt + b
Swap Component Instance (While dragging from Assets)alt

Related Articles:

  Apple GarageBand Keyboard Shortcuts

Well, there you have it, Figma shortcuts list. You might not have known about these shortcuts. If I’ve left important something out in this list, feedback is appreciated and welcome on the Make A Public List.

Feel free to comment below.

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