List of All Notion Shortcuts

Are you finding the shortcuts for notion? Notion provides shortcuts to help you quickly work on documents. Here is the list of all shortcuts that you can use in notion. This post will help you to check and make your notion work faster with Most Used.

Most popular notion shortcuts

Keyboard Shortcuts (Windows)Menu Description
ctrl + nCreate a new page (desktop apps only).
ctrl + shift + nOpen a new Notion window.
ctrl + pSearch or jump to a recently viewed page.
ctrl + [Go back a page.
ctrl + ]Go forward a page.
ctrl + shift + lSwitch to Dark Mode

Create & style your content notion shortcuts

Keyboard Shortcuts (Windows)Menu Description
enterInsert a line of text.
0Create a line break within a block of text
ctrl + shift + mCreate a comment
Create a horizontal divider
ctrl + bBold selected text
ctrl + iItalicize selected text
ctrl + shift + sStrikethrough selected text
ctrl + kAdd a link to selected text
ctrl + eTurn selected text into inline code
tabIndent and nest under parent block
shift + tabUnindent
/turnTurn block into a different type of block
/colorChange color or highlight color
ctrl + shift + 0Create text
ctrl + shift + 1Create a h1 heading
ctrl + shift + 2Create a h2 heading
ctrl + shift + 3Create a h3 heading
ctrl + shift + 4Create a to-do checkbox
ctrl + shift + 5Create a bulleted list
ctrl + shift + 6Create a numbered list
ctrl + shift + 7Create a toggle list
ctrl + shift + 8Create a code block
ctrl + shift + 9Create a new page or turn whatever you have on a line into a page
ctrl + plusZoom in
ctrl + –Zoom out
altHold while dragging to duplicate content

Edit & move blocks notion shortcuts

Keyboard Shortcuts (Windows)Menu Description
ctrl + shift + pMove block or page
0Select current block or clear selected blocks
ctrl + aSelect the block your cursor is in
spaceOpen a selected image in full-screen. Or exist full-screen.
shift + upExpand selection up
shift + downExpand selection down
ctrl + shift + clickSelect entire block
shift + clickSelect another block and all blocks in between
delDelete selected blocks
ctrl + dDuplicate selected blocks
enterEdit any text inside a selected block (or open a page inside a page)
ctrl + /Edit or change one or more selected blocks via command
ctrl + /Edit all selected cards at once in board view
ctrl + shift + upMove selected block up
ctrl + shift + downMove selected block down
ctrl + shift + tExpand or close all toggles in a toggle list
ctrl + shift + hApply the last text or highlight color you used
ctrl + enterModify the current block (open page, check/uncheck to-do, open/close list item, etc.)

@Commands notion shortcuts

Keyboard Shortcuts (Windows)Menu Description
@johnNotify workspace member with username john
@pageMention a page with name page
@yesterdayMention yesterday’s date
@remindAdd a reminder

Slash Commands notion shortcuts

Keyboard Shortcuts (Windows)Menu Description
/textCreate a new text block
/pageCreate a new page
/bulletCreate a bulleted list
/numCreate a numbered list
/todoCreate a to-do list with checkboxes
/toggleCreate a toggle list
/divCreate a light gray divider
/quoteCreate a quiote block of larger text
/h1Create a large heading
/h2Create a medium-size dheading
/h3Create a small heading
/linkCreate a link to another page in your workspace
/table-inlineCreate a database table inside a current page
/board-inlineCreate a Kanban board inside a current page
/calendar-inlineCreate a calendar inside a current page
/list-inlineCreate a list-style database inside a current page
/gallery-inlineCreate a gallery inside a current page
/table-fullCreate a database table in its own page
/board-fullCreate a Kanban board in its own page
/calendar-fullCreate a calendar in its own page
/list-fullCreate a list-style database in its own page
/gallery-fullCreate a gallery in its own page
/linkedCreate a linked database
/imageBring up option to upload or embed an image, or add one from Unsplash
/pdfPaste in a URL to any PDF so it will display in-line on your page
/bookPaste in a URL to any website to create a web bookmark
/videoUpload a video file or embed a video from YouTube, Vimeo, etc.
/audioUpload a video file or embed a video from YouTube, Vimeo, etc.
/codeCreate a code block where you can write and copy any snippet of code
/fileUpload any file from your computer or create an embed.
/embedAdd any one of the 500+ embeds that work with Notion.
/commentCreate a comment on any block
/duplicateCreate an exact copy of the current block
/movetoMove block to a different page
/deleteDelete the current block
/tocCreate a table of contents block
/buttonCreate a template button that duplicates any combination of blocks you define
/breadInsert a breadcrumb menu that shows where your current page is in your workspace
/mathWrite mathematical equations and symbols using TeX.
  Keyboard shortcuts for Adobe Photoshop

Well, there you have it, notion shortcuts list. You might not have known about these shortcuts. If I’ve left important something out in this list, feedback is appreciated and welcome on the Make A Public List.

Feel free to comment below.

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