SuperMemo keyboard shortcuts

Learning these shortcuts can save you a lot of time in the long run. Are you searching for the SuperMemo Keyboard Shortcuts?

If you’re interested in SuperMemo Keyboard Shortcuts this is the right place for you. There are many keyboard shortcuts that can save you time and energy when you are working on SuperMemo.

F2Translated Help
F4Open Tasklist Manager
F5Apply Warrior Layout without Making Default Layout
F6Filter HTML or RTF Source
F7Spell Check
F8Display Encoding Codes of Registry Member Name
F9View File Associalted with Component
F11Random review in Collection/Browser
F12Sleep and Learning Timeline
Shift+ClickEdit File
Ctrl+ClickView File
Alt+ClickSwitch Components between Presentation,Editing and Dragging
Ctrl+Shift+ClickDrag Component to ClipBox
AEdit first answer
EEdit Text
QEdit first question
DelDelete currently displayed element
InsertInsert Element in Content Window
TabMove to Next Components
Shift+EnterSingle spaced new line in HTML
Shift+TabMove to the previous option or option group
Shift+F2Search SuperMemo Wiki Help
Shift+F3Search Leeches
Shift+F4Import mail from MS Outlook
Shift+F12Quick Backup
Ctrl+Up ArrowGo to parent of current element
Ctrl+EnterSuperMemo Commander
Ctrl+SpacebarBrowse elements belonging to the selected branch in content window
Ctrl+]Increse Font Size
Ctrl+[Decrease Font Size
Ctrl+DeleteDelete Current Component/Task/activity
Ctrl+F2Execute Final Drill
Ctrl+F3Search Web for currently selected phrase
Ctrl+F5Restore default windows layout
Ctrl+F6Next window
Ctrl+F7Set ReadPoint in Article
Ctrl+F8Download Remote Images reffered to HTML Components
Ctrl+F9Edit File Associated with Component
Ctrl+F10Play Again
Ctrl+F11Random Test
Ctrl+F12Repair Collection
Ctrl+ASelect/Check All
Ctrl+BBold font in Text
Ctrl+DDismiss Current Element/Task
Ctrl+EEditing Mode
Ctrl+FFind Element
Ctrl+GGo to element with given number
Ctrl+HAdd HTML Note
Ctrl+IItalic font inText
Ctrl+KCreate Hyperlink in Element Window
Ctrl+KConvert Current Branch into Category in Content Window
Ctrl+LLearn in Element Window
Ctrl+MMemorize curently selected task in Tasklist Manager
Ctrl+NAdd new article to current category by pasting text from keyboard
Ctrl+OReopen collection
Ctrl+PPlan Daily Schedule
Ctrl+QImport File
Ctrl+RFind and Replace in Registry Window
Ctrl+SSave changes in Schedule Manager
Ctrl+TEdit Text Components
Ctrl+UUnderline font in Text Components
Ctrl+VPaste from Clipboard
Alt+F1Add New Task
Alt+F4Close Program
Alt+F5Dock Toolbars
Alt+F7Go to Read Point
Alt+F11Random Test/Resume Random Test
Alt+F12Open current componen menu
Alt+AAdd new task
Alt+BBegin Currently Selected Activity in Schedule Manager
Alt+CView contents Window
Alt+EEdit Menu
Alt+Ffile Menu
Alt+GCancel Grade
Alt+HHelp Menu
Alt+LLearn Menu
Alt+NAdd New Note
Alt+PModify Priority of Current Element
Alt+QChoose Reference Lbel
Alt+SSearch Menu
Alt+TEdit Title/Refrence
Alt+UTranslate All Text Components in Element Window
Alt+VView Menu
Alt+WWindow Menu
Alt+ZRemember Close
Shift+Ctrl+F2Impose Template
Shift+Ctrl+F5Save as default
Shift+Ctrl+F6View Source Code of HTML/RTF file
Shift+Ctrl+F7Clear read point
Shift+Ctrl+F8Process picture
Shift+Ctrl+1DeHTML Size
Shift+Ctrl+CCopy Collection
Shift+Ctrl+DAdd to Final Drill
Shift+Ctrl+ESend Element,files or Extract via Email
Shift+Ctrl+FLink Registry Font
Shift+Ctrl+GHide SuperMemo
Shift+Ctrl+HDisplay Repetition History
Shift+Ctrl+JLater today
Shift+Ctrl+KLink Registry Member
Shift+Ctrl+OEdit Component Order
Shift+Ctrl+PEdit Element Parameters
Shift+Ctrl+TTransfer current element to another collection
Shift+Ctrl+UView source data of element
Shift+Ctrl+VMove current element to selected knowledge tree branch
Shift+Ctrl+WImport from Wikipedia
Shift+Ctrl+XDisplay ancesters window with position of element in knowledge tree
Shift+Ctrl+YImport from YouTube
Ctrl+Alt+EnterCollapse current branch in content window
Ctrl+Alt+F10Show/Hide background behind supermemo
Ctrl+Alt+F11Show/Hide toolbars window
Ctrl+Alt+F12Move one difficulty level up
Shift+Alt+HInsert Splitline in Components Menu
Shift+Alt+TTile Components
Shift+Alt+XSchedule Extract and Define its priority
Shift+Alt+LTest Repetition Cycle
  UltraEdit keyboard shortcuts

Using These SuperMemo Keyboard Shortcuts can help you be more productive.

So next time you’re sitting at your computer, take a few minutes to learn some of these essential keyboard shortcuts – your future self will thank you!

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