Office Sway keyboard shortcuts

Learning these shortcuts can save you a lot of time in the long run. Are you searching the Office Sway Keyboard Shortcuts?

If you’re interested in Office Sway Keyboard Shortcuts this is the right place for you. There are many keyboard shortcuts that can save you time and energy when you are working on Office Sway.

EscCancel the current action, remove the current selection, or exit Play mode
Ctrl+CCopy (selected text)
Ctrl+XCut (selected text)
Ctrl+VPaste (from clipboard)
DelDelete the selected card and all of its contents
Ctrl+Z / Ctrl+YUndo/redo the last action
Alt+Shift+VSwitch to accessibility view
Alt+Shift+PTurn preview on or off
Alt+Shift+SShare the current Sway


Main Navigation

Ctrl+F6Move between task pane, Storyline, toolbar, etc.
Alt+Shift+IOpen the Insert pane
Alt+Shift+COpen the Cards pane
Alt+Shift+GOpen the Design pane
Alt+Shift+NOpen the Navigation pane


Text and Content Formatting

Ctrl+BApply emphasis to text
Ctrl+IApply accentuation to text
Ctrl+Alt+1Apply a heading style to text
Ctrl+.Start or continue a bulleted list
Ctrl+/Start or continue a numbered list
Ctrl+KAdd or edit a hyperlink
Ctrl+Left mouse buttonFollow a hyperlink
Ctrl+G / Ctrl+Shift+GGroup/ungroup all cards in a Card Selection


Text Selection and Navigation

Shift+Arrow Left / Shift+Arrow RightExtend the selection by a character to the left/right
Ctrl+Shift+Arrow Left / Ctrl+Shift+Arrow RightExtend the selection by a word to the left/right
Shift+Arrow Up / Shift+Arrow DownExtend the selection by a line upwards/downwards
Ctrl+Shift+Arrow Up / Ctrl+Shift+Arrow DownExtend the selection by a paragraph upwards/downwards
Arrow Left / Arrow RightGo to the previous/next character
Ctrl+Arrow Left / Ctrl+Arrow RightGo to the previous/next word
Arrow Up / Arrow DownGo to the previous/next line
Ctrl+Arrow Up / Ctrl+Arrow DownGo to the previous/next paragraph
  Ulead PhotoImpact 8 keyboard shortcuts


Card Interaction

SpaceSelect the current Card
Arrow Down / Arrow UpMove focus to the next/previous Card
Arrow Right / Arrow LeftExpand/collapse the selected Group or Section
Alt+Shift+Arrow Up / Altl+Shift+Arrow DownMove the current Card up/down in the Storyline
Ctrl+G / Ctrl+Shift+GGroup/ungroup all cards in a Card selection


Group: Comparison

Arrow Left / Arrow RightSlide left/right by chunk
Alt+Arrow Left / Alt+Arrow RightSlide left/right by pixel
Ctrl+Arrow Left / Ctrl+Arrow RightSnap left/right


Group: Slideshow

Arrow Left / Arrow RightGo to the previous/next image

Using This Office Sway Keyboard Shortcuts can help you be more productive.

So next time you’re sitting at your computer, take a few minutes to learn some of these essential keyboard shortcuts – your future self will thank you!

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