Tableau keyboard shortcuts

Learning these shortcuts can save you a lot of time in the long run. Are you searching the Tableau Keyboard Shortcuts?

If you’re interested in Tableau Keyboard Shortcuts this is the right place for you. There are many keyboard shortcuts that can save you time and energy when you are working on Tableau.

Ctrl+ASelect all data
AUse Rectangular Selection tool
Ctrl+BSmaller cell size
Ctrl+Shift+BBigger cell size
Ctrl+CCopy selected data
Alt+Shift+CPlace selected field on Columns shelf
Ctrl+DConnect to data source
DUse Lasso Selection Tool
Ctrl+EDescribe sheet
Ctrl+FMakes the find command in the Data pane active
Alt+Shift+FPlace selected field on Filters shelf
Ctrl+HSwitch in and out of Presentation Mode
Alt+Shift+IPlace selected field on Size
Ctrl+LFlip orientation of column labels at bottom of view
Alt+Shift+LPlace selected field on Detail
Ctrl+MNew worksheet
Ctrl+NNew workbook
Ctrl+OOpen file
Alt+Shift+OPlace selected field on Color
Alt+Shift+PPlace selected field on Pages shelf
Alt+Shift+RPlace selected field on Rows shelf
Ctrl+SSave file
SUse Radial Selection Tool
Alt+Shift+SPlace selected field on Shape
Alt+Shift+TPlace selected field on Text/Label
Ctrl+VPaste clipboard
Ctrl+WSwap rows and columns
Ctrl+XCut text selection (e.g., in captions, titles, formulas, etc.)
Alt+Shift+XPlace selected field on Rows shelf
Alt+Shift+YPlace selected field on Columns shelf
Alt+Shift+BackspaceClear the current worksheet
Ctrl+Arrow LeftMake rows narrower
Ctrl+Arrow RightMake rows wider
Ctrl+Arrow DownMake columns shorter
Ctrl+Arrow UpMake columns taller
Ctrl+1Show Me!
EnterAdd the selected field to the sheet. Only works with a single field
F1Opens the Help
Ctrl+F4Deletes the selected sheet (on a dashboard)
Alt+F4Closes the current workbook
F4Starts and stops forward playback on the pages shelf
Shift+F4Starts and stops backward playback on the pages shelf
F5Refreshes the data source
Ctrl+,Skip backward one page
Ctrl+F6Cycle forward through open worksheets
Ctrl+Shift+F6Cycle backward through open worksheets
F9Run update
F10Toggles Automatic Updates on and off
F12Reverts workbook to last saved state
EscClears the selection (Desktop and Reader only)
  Office Sway keyboard shortcuts


Navigation and Selection Shortcuts

ClickSelects the mark
DragSelects a group of marks
Ctrl+ClickAdds individual marks to the selection
Ctrl+DragAdds a group of marks to the selection
Shift+DragPans around the view
Ctrl+Shift+ClickZooms in to a point in the view (requires zoom mode if not map)
Ctrl+Shift+Alt+ClickZooms out from a point on a map (requires zoom mode if not map)
Shift+Double-clickZooms out
Ctrl+Shift+DragZooms in to an area in the view (requires zoom mode if not map)
ScrollZooms in and out on a map


Field Selection Shortcuts

Right-click+Drag to shelfOpens the Drop Field menu
Ctrl+DragCopies a field in the view to be placed on another shelf or card
Double-clickAdds a field to the view

Using This Tableau Keyboard Shortcuts can help you be more productive.

So next time you’re sitting at your computer, take a few minutes to learn some of these essential keyboard shortcuts – your future self will thank you!

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